
Great video!! Earth is flat homeboy!!

That’s what I’m thinking as well. It appears he works in the security system industry. If it’s the right person.

I went there and said , I would like to see the medical records and surgeons notes etc before I donate,...

So why not go to the gofund me page and leave comments and a link ?

License plate is the same as his email. GREWVIN. Black Mazda RX8. Also black Chevy pickup. No attached garage on the house.

House on google maps does not match the house in his pics.


I don’t think he has ties to anything, probably just a dumb guy having an emotional reaction to something he knows nothing about. Vice News story blow-back

I called the # and was disconnected...but...someone did call me back right away. Just told him to go fuck himself. Man this is some twisted shit. You guys take care.

That’s interesting because Wilmington had a MKultra program

The guy claims to have people but he’s the only one calling now on the other hand Sidethorn has people because a whole bunch of people called the Twatwaffle.... You fuck with one of us you fuck with all of us.

Send em’ a flyer

5120 Mako Dr. Willmington, N.C 28409

What a pleasant guy..........

That Jason guy is a piece of shit hopefully he gets aressted keep exposing these rats.

We will find out where he works. By the morning (for me).

This was very upsetting to me. "I’m in tears" (as usual of late) My whole life as been affected by this type of delusional, self righteous, HUMAN ARROGANCE mind set and from my experience... Be scared, to all of you, be scared. These bullies are the norm "mojority" in any work place, city park or any event. Heck, I bet some live next door to many of "us". Complaining about any detail they can find in order to exercise some perceived power over you, your spouse, your kids and not even the dog is safe from such local "common" bullying. The work place bullie is the worst tho, due to the public belittling that is displayed among other workmates in an attempted of one upsmanship over you the OFFENDER!! Well this narrative’s nothing new, yet the blossom has become the extreme. Now being the OFFENDER, no matter how small, will or can get one killed. "steep out of the car"- "WHY" - BANG or "WHY are you protesting"- boots to the head. Listen, I’v been molest(ed)?, raped, beatin, poisoned, robbed and left for dead. All of these acts were performed by people of self righteous mind set’s I just listened to coming from that monster on you post. As I said; be scared... ALL OF US... BE SCARED, cuz you can’t be BRAVE, til your scared. P.S. sorry for the Fatzer=old goat thing lol :-) "just playing" You guys rock and 153news

Excellent work , let’s fry this bitch !

We are gonna bury this bitch and plaster his entire home town with flyers of his entire abuse , it is time the people around him know the truth !

Right on !