
For some reason entire link doesn’t copy here. Will do it later.

He is an all mouth pussy .

People like this call themselves one thing but end up proving themselves to be something totally different. Anybody that buys into their spiel is a moron as this video clearly proves. Instead of leaving stupid, insulting messages on other peoples answerphones maybe this jerk could be practicing what he preaches? Yet another false prophet whose a legend in their own lunchtime. Sheesh, what a tool he sounds! LMAO

Someone on here does the tracking on addresses and such. Maybe they can find a connection to California with this dude in N Carolina

The odd thing is the San Diego phone number but you can take your number with you

Can’t get that link to work.


Same name with same email. Has to be the same dude. And he lives in N. Carolina. Too big a pussy to even let you know where he lives.

The myth he promotes

The man


We sure will if the police are not going to do anything about it then they can’t do anything when it comes back.

they constantly harass, use dirty tactics, and give death threats yet still claim some sort of moral high ground. I couldn’t imagine being such a scumbag like jason goode or whoever he is.

Record it ! This p.o.s. is seriously confused ... Thanks guys !

Yep me and Bill might have to give him a ring.

Fuck yea brother , time we start taking this war to another level !!! Anybody ever fucks with you give me their number . Thanks so much for being a warrior !

All mouth bitch is all he is .

Piece of work ain’t he ? LOL