
My bitch , you think running your mouth more is going to help your case ? My bitch my bitch 4 life .

Looks like some synthetic robot

Wow this is daunting, I’v more tabs open then ever. I see why you all do this, once you start seeing stuff that’s not jelling out, more pops up. lol OK, the create account button’s down, so could you delete my last 2 post.? I’d like to post my finds again in an attempt to be more presentable. Thanks. You can delete this one also, or not. I don’t care if people know I’m a noob. "a moron too" can’t forget that, but more-on that later. :-) Happy "info" hunting. <3

All bags of shit.....

Soo FUCKING funny! You were good in this one

Lenny is an agent. A shill works on the web to spread disinfo, it’s only a particular kind of trolling but this is different. They didnt’ hire him to be the fake father of the fake dead child in a fake shooting (one of the thousands by now). They hired him because they need people to censore the web otherwise the millions of us will become billions. Keep that in mind: Lenny was not chosen to be that "father" because he sells apples at the market. He was chosen because of what he does on the web to further their plans. He was chosen because these terrorists need censors and he’s a censor. A piece of shit but a censoring one nonetheless.

your video was good

Manly P. Hall is a pagan, freemasonic occultist. He worked for a religion too. His religion, and that of the arcane secret society members that went before him and came after him over the centuries is a One World Death and Slavery System for All.

Manly P. Hall is a pagan, freemasonic occultist. He worked for a religion too. His religion, and that of the arcane secret society members that went before him and came after him over the centuries is a One World Death and Slavery System for All.

Manly P. Hall is a pagan, freemasonic occultist. He worked for a religion too. His religion, and that of the arcane secret society members that went before him and came after him over the centuries is a One World Death and Slavery System for All.

Amen JL.


I agree. This kid was suffering psyop trauma as she spoke. The simunition event was enough to tell her brain something about this event is "real" while another part of her brain was telling her it was fake.

That’s not his birth name.

Wonder if he is connected to Reszneki?

Thanks for posting the video

oops. links here. (the grime) (the warpping) OH and the old uneven numbers are now level on a door is now hinged on the ole swinging side. I never did this type of thing before and found this and anomaly among others in less time then it took to type it up. So can you. Thx 153news.

Ok all this is is a video compiling some of the INTENTIONAL MISINFORMATION. ( Definition- False or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive.). This is done to put out Red Herrings for the Info Wars crowd to play with. Information that goes nowhere until the next event happens. The teacher , Lippel, clearly she is lying. The girl outside- Twinkle in her eyes the whole time. She didn’t just witness people being shot dead right in front of her minutes before. And Smiling Alexa Meidnek, a simple search shows her and Pollack were very close friends if not best friends at one time. She not just some random girl they found in a parking lot a few hours later.

Lance has inspired me. "What do you got" I found the first numbers on the doors have been changed. (door bares 3-6’s) It’s been my experience is first start with 1’s, second floor 2’s and so on till 13th floor. The 2’s ride high and the 3’s ride low, commonly done but shottie or hurried work.and almost always crowds 3’s in 2’s old holes or 2’s in 1’s holes. (pics) This is consistent through the restoration to boot. "Workers reused the top holes" Well except on one night post the shooting. Room 306’s door was removed and replaced before photo oops that same "night" or so led the same night. The replacement was an old worn, dirty and warped swinging service door. "maybe a holes needed to disappear"? (The Grime)

wow you must really have him scared. must be your food infested beard scaring him. Do something bitch.