
Oh and guess what...this morning I am not on Amazon. I switch bounce boxes like Lenny lies. But that doesn’t matter for anyone in the world but you it seems. Why is that? Do you see the smoking gun and trail you led back to yourself? What nobody else has is the backend info that I do so this probably doesn’t seem like such a smoking gun. The only reason I haven’t nuked your account is because Side Thorn likes you. I trust his instincts but you have a lot to answer for.

Its scaring someone with all you kids trolling the board.

A little under $10k to this point. But thats for all the DMCA requests. So Jerry has about 6 of the 12 so Jerry has cost me $5k so far.

Good points, Skepticon. The wife and I were talking about the same thing yesterday; "the onslaught of media nonsense." I just find it impossible to believe (but it isn’t impossible, because it’s happening), that the place of public consciousness has become the place of outright abject bodacious lies. How in the heck do we all allow this to continue? Why do so many do so much to promote (while denying within themselves the truth of the matter), outright lies? Rhetorical questions. They must be rhetorical--- because who can answer to the conundrum we now face with the takeover of government, academia, and media by psychopathic liars who revel in their deceit?! The only answer I can come up with is in the resurrection or reincarnation; and I’ll be damned if the higher plane I aspire to has the likes of what we now see in this realm as these liars do all they can to guide us all to the annihilation of sound mind. Truth is scorned, lies glorified by these armies of treasonous vermin.

Total respect for these two. Thank you for what you do x

Also the first name contains the words "IS MAN" ....... I don’t think that is a coincidence haha

Side Thorn just looked up the YT shooters name to see what you were referring to at the beginning of the video. He / She / It’s name was reported as "Nasim Najafi Aghdam" so Aghdam is an anagram for Madhag. Thank you for pointing that out to everyone. We all need to sharpen our eyes and be able to recognize this kind of fuckery.

It’s not their job, it’s his. rnHe is used to YouTube where they most likely flagged him as one of the authorized censors and this is why they hired him, not because he’s the fake father of a fake child fakely killed in a fake shooting on a particularly fake day. They hired him because he’s a piece of shit censor that’s why. Sandy Hook was a side job, that’s all.rn

Thanks for doing the interview as always. The system we are controlled by is an absolute shame. I’m glad you have a great woman by your side during these hard times and I’m proud to have you both doing what you do regardless of what anybody might say. Please don’t ever stop. Much love to both of you.

Fuck the world! Spend the cash. You deserve it! In 7 years of full time investigation, no one has ever presented me with any verifiable evidence, admissible in a court of law, proving any of these shootings are real. None!



How much money in legal fees has Jerry cost you so far?

"Syria is a complicated place" USA & allies response in truthful words (IF ONLY !! ):- "Yeah, but we wan’t your oil & gas and now you won’t pay using our fixed Petrodollar so we are coming for you. You should have learned from Hussein & Gaddafi’s example and what happened to them when they did the same."

Unfortunately all of us putting videos here are playing to a very small audience. An audience that at least basically knows already that most news stories are fake. Although I would love to play to a wider, less informed audience, youtube will not allow it. On this platform, stating what we know about a news piece to a community that already suspects it, is somewhat of a waste of time. Personally, I’d like to see someone explain how to combat the 24/7 onslaught of media nonsense. The only answer I have is to get people you care about to turn off the TV long enough for them to realize that they should be thanking you for extricating them from the fear porn. So far, all I get is attacked. Fuck’em if they enjoy wallowing in baseless fear. It cannot be helped.

Ever see Jackie and Marilyn together? Why wasn’t Jackie at JFK’s birthday where Marilyn sang to JFK? It’s not cosplay folks. It’s just another hoax.

Glad to see you and Granny back Side Thorn. I know both of you will figure out a way to turn a negative into a positive. You can do it!

Thanks Avalon !

Guys thank you for the talk with Peekay greatly appreciated and look forward to seeing more of your work, please stay safe, cheers.

Jason Goode is just as much of an all mouth pussy as Reszneki so at the very least they have that in common .