
Yep! He’s a Peter Puffer!

I Called him several Times With Him not answering the phone,So i guess he needs another call and i hope he picks up this time.Have you called the police on him he needs to be behind bars.

It didn’t take him long to block that comment so I don’t believe anybody, other than myself, will be able to see it at the link WTC Scorpio provided. When I go to a different browser I’m not logged in on, it doesn’t show up. I have a screenshot of the comment under my logged in browser if anybody wants to see the comment as posted at YouTube.

that guy would not last 10 seconds with ST! He’s an idiot!

You got it and thanks so much !

You better get a large cordless screwdriver cuz yer gonna need it if you ever run into this one. Sounds like every one of his screws are loose and many have fallen out. Might wanna get a box of screws too.

Because of how comments run together (lacking the ability to break into paragraphs), here is the summation of the previous post: A Bing search for "jason aess goode" LINKS three things together in the very first returned hit: Jason Goode, Jason AESS, and youtube user MrGrewvin. For what it’s worth, and I have a screenshot proving that is what Bing returned if anybody doubts it.

Exactly ! He is a vile and disgusting person with absolutely no worth to the world at all .

he’s a major idiot! The stuff that Vice doesn’t dare show the World. This guy has a tiny peeny problem, obviously. Any MAN wouldn’t be making phonecalls like a little bitch. So, he’s a gots to be queer, or is vertically challenged, or just has no balls. Either way, he has no brains and no life!

He is a pussy bitch , I even offered to pay for his plane flight here ...

No doubt about it .

They probably recruit this people from mental institutions.

I left the following comment at that linked video (and I hate it that we apparently can’t break the comments here into paragraphs, because it is harder to follow the flow of comments when all run together): Are you a.k.a. Jason Goode? The reason I ask is that a Bing search with "jason aess goode," links the two names together in the first hit of the search query.rnrnIt returns the following:rnrn" AESS. 850 views; 1 year ago; 24:07. Play next; Play now; ... Jason Goode. 523 views; 6 years ago; View all; This item has been hidden. Subscriptions. RX7 ..."rnrnAre you the same individual using "Jason Goode," "Jason AESS," and MrGrewvin, with the email, grewvin(at)gmail(dot)com?rnrnFor example, search at 153news(dot)net for the video, "Online Terrorist Jason Goode Of California." Specifically, see the comment by WTC Scorpio under that video.

This fool is loco. Why doesn’t he come here and argue. As much as you want to write this guy off as just a troll, he can’t be taken lightly. This is serious.

Ed Chiarini is another Alex Jones. I don’t give that shill the time of day. Be careful. He admits he worked for military contractor, and the stuff he puts out is mostly BS. We have to combat the lies with the evidence presented by officials, not by claiming someone is somebody famous if you put a fat suit on them and change their hair and makeup.

great interview!!!

They have known what fluoride is for a long time. The whole fluoride story was concocted to sell industrial waste and convince you it was good for you. They’ve known for a long time of the medical effects it has, as evidenced by toothpaste warning labels. Yet it was hyped by the prestigious AMA, ADA and CDC as a wonder drug without any real evidence.

Jeff: the mental image you should have in your mind is Bubba bending you over in prison because that is where you will wind up. "rn

Our medical care is soooo good Alison Parker comes back to life only to be once again be shot and killed at Las Vegas. Obviously she is nothing more than an actress going by the name Alison Parker; here the link proving this: With the repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act American has entered into a new dark age of propaganda and exponential growth of fraud. They are shilling for donations For Alison Foundation pushing nothing more than deception for outright charity fraud. The unintended consequence [or maybe it is] is out of control lawlessness due to an anything goes mentality propaganda machine. If left unchecked within 7 to 10 years American society will begin its downward spiral into another Argentina.

I’m a troll and a freemason for question why all these experts on FE are only coming out of the woodwork in the past few years../o/...see yas...I’m a 33rd degree mason avatar proves it.