
Absolutely yes, Salstar. They have my greatest respect (as Peekay says). I’d walk to the ends of the earth for these two, Side Thorn and CG.

Thanks for reminding me! I thought the same thing too when I watched that commercial. I’ll save that in my folder and check into later.

Two of the best parts of this video our first win side Thorne issues another terroristic threat by saying that he should have reached out and slit that preachers throat. I’m willing to bet that if someone gave a s*** where to contact the court and brought that to their attention that somebody could probably get it the bond revoked. I’m just saying. The second thing I find hysterical is the mental image of side thorn in one cell banging on the wall and screaming at conspiracy granny was going mental in the other cell. That would have been a delight to watch

Observe what? Perfect calmness, the earth never shaken or us knocked to the ground. Water perfectly still and people call me stupid for saying that a spinning ball wouldn’t have these same properties. Do I know the earth is round or flat, nope, but I am not gonna believe a bunch of lying free masons. What blows me away is nobody can prove to me the earth is round yet you want me to say it is. Its all part of the exact same operation...lucifers doctrine and apparently because you know the earth is round, you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

’It’s the best thing that could’ve ever happened to the truth movement’ ~ Side Thorn on his and CG’s arrest by disgraceful authorities who have no case. Good to hear you’re both okay. Love me some Peekay too. He’s done immeasurable good also revealing truth of these staged events that continue to inflict emotional trauma on a trusting (no fault of their own) public.

All this Made for TV Mass Shootings and all this fake terroristas shit has put a divide in my life. Friends and family members quit talking to me. They’ll say they just want to live their lives and blindly go day to day or they just think I’m nuts. I fear for the future generations. I’ve actually told my wife and son that I’m ok with not having grandchildren. What will we leave for them with all these fucking sheep around us. I personally can’t go on without trying to wake some people up. Thank you and everyone else who make content that I can share with the masses.

Jeff, are you off your meds again?

"Peekay" is the worst choice to interview someone, he bumbles around and rambles. Robert is sitting there looking like, "Ask me something good." and at 5 minutes in, I’m ready to pause and go on to something else. rnrnThe hoaxes have been coming on the regular and I just can’t even watch the news any more, my stomach tightens and my blood pressure shoots up and I want to scream at the TV "YOU LIARS!!" rnAnd yet sadly, those of us who want to expose this stuff have been shunted over to this website since our voices are suppressed on YouTube / Google / Facebook / Twitter for the most part. This website run by people who think the planet is flat despite all logic, science, math, personal observation, and everything else that proves the globe. Stick to and post your videos there. Nobody is suppressing that one. I posted a link to someone on Twitter, pointing to a video here and the guy said, "Why are you sending me broken links?" because evidently, is shadow banned on Twitter (verification welcomed) rnrn

Something good always comes out of evil, so it sounds like they finally are breaking thru! God bless you guys and those that have come forward since your arrest! You keep us posted on the court dates! I want to be there!

Penny Lozner or one of his peter puffers?

You know it , thanks so much Stinky Mouse !

Thanks Skepticon , your support means everything !

Thanks so much , yes I am so lucky to have a partner in this crazy game !

Right on Sour_Diesel , thanks !

Thanks so much salstar !

You are nothing but a piece of shit all mouth filthy pussy bitch and always will be .

Well wrote a nice presentation, then pressed enter and was told it was over 5000 characters and gone it all went. Just gone, no chance to trim her down or nothing, just gone. 153news. should fix that, I spent 7 hours making sure all the links worked too. poop.

This is fabulous! The world’s top two nutcase fake news idiots together in one place! You can’t script this kind of Comedy

yarr friggin robot voices :(