
Nice Dog.Where was the other Car? It didn’t even look like a bad accident.Do they film this stuff and splice it together for the news media and make it Into a big Event? Something to think About.

Thanks I will check it out !

Yep , I show them the exact amount of respect they deserve and never talk to good people like that . My language to the liars is exactly why I am on the world stage and finally able to get the message to millions . This is only the beginning of how vulgar I am going to get . Stay tuned for the most controversial podcast on Earth ...

Newsflash! There’s Mann E. Quinn in the high grass waiting for a little medical!

LOL , yep he is a pussy !

I’ll take drill for $1,000 Alex ...

You are always so on point!!!

They were all from Wilson County , they are stationed normally in different towns but just happened to all be in one little shit town at the same time many miles from their particular areas .

I’m in !

Why not you ya all mouth pussy bitch ? You couldn’t dream up a motherfucker bad enough to take me you worthless pussy !

Do it then you pussy bitch , why talk about it you worthless cunt let’s get busy !


Welcome my friend. Thanks for uploading!

Yea , people were scared for many reasons that is why so few participate in exposure. Of course many social engineering strategies also used subliminals in everything from the national anthem to books to ferment the idea that government and authority should never be questioned or Spoken against. They dont want talkers who talk, just bullshit talkers who read their designs.. Personally I felt that cloud lift about a year ago while researching giant mudfossils of all things as I realized the history of the earth is totally different than we think. And the whole time I was afraid of losing the lie. I also read so much info about this in a philosophical sense on how this time will be a great change in our society ,we are approaching the inevitable end of this epoch. People are afraid of that, the prophecy, and the negative predictions.

this Is what public indoctrination schools have accomplished, and they did a great job at it. Train people to never question anyone with any appear of authority, and to make sure people don’t speak out because they will fear being ridiculed for being different! This is why I will never send my kids to public schools

This is what public indoctrination schools has accomplished and they did it well. Teach kids to not challenge anyone with any appearna of authority, and don’t go against the grain and do what is right out of fear of being ridicule!

I would set you up for free. Not a cent need be paid. And lie on the stand. Just to see you suffer.

Mikell, I hope someone finds you and puts a bullet in your head while stopped at a stoplight or something. That will be betrer than watchimg you go down for your kiddy pics.

CG: I was in the AF for 6 years. A lot of good people who get the short stick from nothing more than a banker war to include what you are saying.

This is a very important topic.