
Agree 100% !

Who cares about the negative effects! Look how many fewer cavities we have. I keep telling my wife to quit buying toothpaste with fluoride but she continues to keep buying it. I won’t use it and she says I’m being paranoid. She says, “they wouldn’t be able to sell it if it’s so dangerous”

Yep, nothing to see here folks, move along 😎 Just ordinary high schoolers 😂

Yep, just a normal 22 year old British High School student going to a Florida high school.

If our national anthem offends some foreigners on US soil, screw them! I don’t blame this women one bit. She doesn’t obey their orders then she faces the possibility of detainment and being caged for the crime of feeling pride of her country!

Great vid. I actually eavesdropped on 3 High School students today at work who were talking about how the CIA is essentially a Mafia and how Vegas and events as such are staged. though I never conversed with them. I have many friends who are awake about this BS. I have one who says, we will never make a change so enjoy life. I see his point, but with people doing videos, making comments, doing lectures and so forth we are winning or have won. They have no where to go, so they censor.

Goodnight sweet boy is a bought and paid for scum sucker.

Which Ironically is how events like Sandy Hook and Parkland come across.

Just ordinary high school kids lol

Gratitude for your courage and strength, CG!!! ❤️

It is difficult to tell teachers from students when they are both the same age. Lewis must be 23 at least. Alnost as old as David Hogg.

It’s hard to tell if it’s a drill or a faked event. Either way all you see are cops and first responders standing around with their thumbs up their asses doing nothing!

Keep up the good work. I was listening to 3 students at work today talk about how the CIA is like a mafia and how some events like Vegas are staged. Its becoming a common occurrence to hear this and I never said a word to them. I am beginning to think way more are awake than even we think. Of course not all make videos or do what you guys do, but I see the dam bursting soon.

And I adore the pissing pug!

SO much propaganda, and SO little time in a day! Much gratitude to you, J-Girl!

Stay strong , don’t back down. Covering you and granny in prayer. Shalom

Couldn’t find it anywhere in the news when a story like this is usually everywhere locally .

Looks like a drill to me.

Cheers my friend!

Supposedly a bicycle crash with fatality by all the signs yet made no news . Also the lack of a victim , ambulance or especially a wrecker is very questionable also but what caught me the most was the firemen parking right on top of "crucial" already marked with spray paint evidence . I’m thinking that’s not normal procedure . lol