
It’s a lot more than Hillary’s Benghazi. A lot of ptb involved. This is how ISIS was supplied weapons. We had another Benghazi with Nigeria recently. Who knows what group will be supplied weapons in the next invasion. Probably to supply the next terrorist group so we can illegally invade Iran. Keep the name MEK in mind.

Yes we can make a change and we will. We need to reach a critical mass and it will happen, FFAC. Thank you JeffGirl for this A W E S O M E video!

This is sickening! So we are wing nuts if we don’t believe it is possible for 3 steel structured buildings to collapse into its own footprint at free fall speed after being hit by two commercial airliners. Well I guess I’m a tinfoil hat wearing, crazy, wingnut because I don’t believe a word the MSM has to say!

You are awesome CassandraCrazy !

Spot on !

Yep RV the man.

Great work! Thanks

Anyone that don’t can see that this is theater?

Libya was trying to uplift Africa with low or no interest loans to other African countries, gold backed currency and gold payments for oil, several direct benefits to Libyans citizens, and large water projects. The first western attack was on water project and one week to form a central bank. Now China is well entrenched in the new colonialism in Africa. Ironic the same time period RSA ended apartheid, Rwanda started there apartheid (enormous rabbit hole with Kagame/western intel, Glencoe, and Congo). Same as central and south america etc, unpayable loans by corrupt African leaders, then acquisition of assets and/or acquisition of infrastructures after loan defaults.

Yes. Dead people. They always go with the program. And, the power hungry sure do love those dead people. They make great business partners, too.

Could anyone be anything else than Anti Bush and Cheney?

Yes, Alex JonesTown is a a Conspiracy Entertainer!

The dog was the one who appear most engaging in this event.

He is getting to sound more and more like Krusty the Clown every time I hear him. LOL

Yes, ordinary high school kids hang around with Bernie Sanders. Almost standard.

What a waste of money with this fabricated events. Alex Scott tells that this fake event is because the police stations and FBI got more money if they have more crimes and accidents. (Not exactly in these words – but it is what is going on). Police Veteran Alex Scott, Part 1 – Light On Conspiracies:

The capital of the WEST is on the North-East border of Africa. Gaddafi he was killed because he was a ’racist anti-semite’ like the rest trying to free his people from the jewish stranglehold. Also, Michael King was a communist agent and the US is not a democracy.

Actually have not been able to upload successfully since that day. I upload and submit just fine but then it NEVER shows up. ANY video that is one hour long never makes it here and tech support can not either.

Yeah its hard to get good mercenaries when so many of then have gotten killed. Ever ask someone why the US wants to attack Syria and kill Assad instead of helping them when its Syria and Assad who are fighting our supposed enemy? You usually get the 1000 Yard Stare.

Ever get the feeling you’ve been had? Trump or Hiliary = The same shit. Trump is just a better choice for the divide and conquer routine. I defended Trump up until about a year ago. "Give him a chance" I said. I was never 100% about him but I have no problem admitting I was wrong.