
Mann E. Quinn, from a long line of Irish crisis actors.

They need the public to see them in action. Like Austin stated here, they need to justify their funding locally.

We have bike/car accidents a couple times of month in riding season. Why would they spray paint orange circle around truck tires and other objects? Because they were painted beforehand so drill participants would know where to place objects, imo. The shoes. Just like wicked witch shoes under the fallen house. 🚒🚓🚑🚴🚚🎥

Daily Double! "This drill included a pastor, a Dollar General Store and a fronted magazine..."

Wow...this is a tragedy. Monsters are real and they are on the loose.

’Connecting the dots and you see’... Drumbeat... State-sponsored terrorism

Yeees! And he is finally here!

Two big thumbs way the fuck up!

Reminds me of 21 Jump Street

Those leg wounds healed up nicely?

nothing will change until we get (((these people))) out of our country (((they))) they are demons and are the cause of all terrorist activity if they ever get our guns shit will hit the fan and quickly...GD I’M PISSED

The NeuroPhysics Therapy treatment saw the football agent’s brain re-trained to bypass the damaged nerves.

Don’t they have facilities for training? Like an obstacle course and roads to play on in their own publicly funded arena? Why do they keep using public roads to train when they have training facilities texas is paying for?

The veil is being lifted. There will be trauma when the masses truly wake. People here are the leading edge of the wave. But when millions think like we do it is going to get tense for a while. This is our preparation and what we are gathering now is just the outer edge of this movement .

For your enjoyment, a little background on Alex Jones assets

Yes, president of the He-Man Women Haters Club.

(and you want to laugh after 194" of snow)

I thought Hillary purposely lost election starting after 9/11/16. They wanted Trump to come in like Obama in ’08. The new face. People still swear by Trump. But those are mostly white fossils only concerned with their bank accounts. 9,000 people packed local arena before election to see Trump. I told those I know who went you are falling for his schtick. I was right. Nice people, but clueless as they say. I wonder what Jones was like when they went live. Did we even bomb anything in Syria worth a damn? Probably some outlying area where not one could get hurt and media displaying the light show of missiles.

So fake. This is better than Saturday morning cartoons. I needed a good laugh after a long winter.

Theater of the Absurd.