
Yes, I have listened to this 2 times today.

I haven’t seen all your videos, so I am glad that you putting up Oldies Goldies.

Medical masks that filter out chemical weapons. Who knew?


Nice one RV

Sizzorfite . We will not see nothing like this REAL NEWS in the MSN? rn WHY? rnBecause Theresa May and Donald Trump both want more of the old black stuff.

When we first launched we ended up with an entire herd of Sandy Hoax Trolls in here attempting to reak havoc doing some really nasty stuff.

Let me help answer this. We live in an age of disinformation, evil, and bots. If we open up new user registrations we end up with useless content and trolls. As much of a pain as it is, send an email over to or Just include the username you want and we will get you dialed in really quickly. The only awesome thing about this is is all human. No bots allowed!

I love you Russianvids but I can’t get an account. Why is 153 closed for new subs?

Thank God for 153news! We almost went down without a fight. Go RV!!!

Russianvids 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌♥️

You beaut !

I just hear that stuffy british accent of Lewis Mizen and I want to dry heave. This really gets the blood pressure going. I’m about ready to go to Angry mobs on demand and yes I will complete the order with torches and pitchforks plus some holy water for the random ancient kandarian demons.

Hi Gentlemen, I plan to produce a Titanic video completely debunking this stuff.

For sure!

lol! Yes! Perfect title!

We can only hope! Cheers!

Thetruthissweet. I think we taking at cross purposes here. Why would Zuckerberg play Holmes..? Because he wast told to play Holmes to extract the urine out of the masses. This is a game not reality. Is Zuckerberg really a BILLIONAIRE or just a puppet.?? Face book is a complete nonsense and it needed an army of programmers to make it work.You have to have that money to start the programme. You try it. Go to any bank or entrepreneur and say I have an idea.. See how much money you get to invest. This guy was backed by millions. BY Whom and with what security. Is he a puppet and someone else is pulling the strings.. The photos of Holmes and the Holmes in court are different. ORANGE 33 hair see RV is the give away. I watched RV because he is unique with his delivery. He is the best that has been on Y tube. There IS a distinct likeness to Holmes in Court and Zuckerberg especially with the Greenberg Lawyer by his side who is reported to be at Sandy Hook as a parent. Of course we know nothing other than what has been put before us. What I find suspicious is the bomb effect compared to the 9 11 event in building 6 is circular in damage. Coincidence ? We actually know nothing. We can only point out what we see and I see a likeness to Mcveigh with Zuckerberg..

Thank you! And working on it with Peekay! Cheers! :)

lol :)