

Cheers Jarrett!

100% correct!

Thank you. And to confirm it’s me.

Thank you and God bless!

It’s how they say "semi-risque", All day everyday, give out Emmy’s the quick way, Have the average MC say, "Gimme a sick day!", They really ain’t got shit to say like Timmy McVeigh

I believe people have no common sense anymore. You can show people all the evidence of a flat Earth but they’ve been programmed all their lives to know the Earth is round and there is no convincing anyone that it’s actually flat.

At 2:30-2:45 or so, You can see atmospheric lensing, at least it figures so. Well this type of refraction comes from light passing varied temps of water "vapor" in the air. I don’t think there is any water vapor at that altitude but ice, and the affect of thing looks nothing this. This is the classic hot day mirage affect most have seen before and associate with distance objects, so the magicians added this bait on the hook, to sell the show. You would think with they would know, I think they do, it’s just they know most of you don’t and want to give you the feeling of "bye bye space station". The whole thing is a Disney production "touch it ONE LAST "never" TIME crap" does sell papers tho, and that’s what NASA is good at; selling stories. As my uncle would say;"their just selling newpapers"

Thank the Lord you back.

Thank the Lord you back.

Also, can’t believe the demon AI bots even find these obscure comment sections to troll. Nowhere is safe.

the mcdonalds "massacre" was another golden oldie! > > > of course, 100 percent of globalist psychopath "history" is a scripted hoax...that’s 100

Of course Kevin Hogg was stationed there at LAX when this occurred.

If this is the real RV.. What’s up glad you’re here

I especially like the Ruby overlays. Even more I liked the outing of Robert Groden and Len Osenic. Thank you!

’Nowadays’ is designed, planned, implemented, advertised and bought.

I remember as a kid growing up, everyone knew everyone and no one locked their doors. Kids played outside and no one got hurt. Nowadays, not so much. So much division, hate and fear.

Thanks so much.. :-)rn

People swallow this, hook line and sinker. They don’t want to believe that they have been ’had’, so they fight to defend and justify the con-artists!

Terrific vid, Sizzorfite. I wonder who else will feel as I do.... I grew up in the ’burbs of Chicago and lived and worked a number of years ’down town’. I was surrounded by throngs of fellow mankind, but felt intense isolation. When I rented an apartment in a highrise (29th floor of 51) I had 5 ’neighbors’ who lived within feet of me (above, below, side to side or across the hall) and I was acquainted with only one of those. I always felt out of step and yearned for something else -- the earth and shared objectives. At long last I fulfilled my dream 18 years ago and live in ’the country’ -- as we all were designed to live. I have found ’community’ (not all of it pleasant, by the way, but connected and real). I grow, raise or trade for a good portion of my sustenance and other needs. But this life is fraught with attacks on this lifestyle. Buy-buy-buy, consume-consume, consume. Until you have carried your own water, dug in the soil or killed for food, dealt with your own waste/trash, depended on your community for your well-being, then you are not truly human. I am filled with sorrow for all who have come before me, all of my contemporaries, and all who come after me: few will know what they are missing, and fewer still with understand what has been lost.