
Here to think outside the box !

yeah when that doctor keeled over I cracked up. I still would like to know the who where and when of this thing.

Sorry - I meant Alan Baer @ Brandeis - a department store at the time.

Thanks for bringing this back to the light. It was a cover-up. I lived there at the time. My mom knew Peter Citron and I worked for Alan Brandeis as a teenager. Scary to think back of what actually went on. Numerous people associated with the investigation "died mysteriously". There is no doubt this was/is part of the "pizza gate" going on today, that has been covered up for a very long time. One day, I hope all those injured by this tragedy finally receive their justice; and the perpetrators rot in hell!

Well, these kids are better than David Hogg

IF they still drop it from a plane, you can bet nobody is in it. All for show!

Where was this vid shot? please.

Awesome! He’s helped me on awaking from the Matrix! He made me see so many more events were staged than what I thought! Love RV!

They are running scared and their desperation is showing !


Please submit to Rachael Madcow.

Don’t forget about the Earth, Sun, and Sirius alignment that occurs around January 1st and July 4th, both holidays celebrated with fire in the sky. Food for thought

OMG...these poor brainwashed kids. Glad to see some of the Doctors died. no gloves? Great vid, THANKS.

That is a dudes body ,but the Head is computer generated ( Max Headrum ) .


Before Sofia Smallstorm & Wolfgang Halbig spoke out about Sandy Hook there was an independent researcher, IdahoPicker, who busted Sandy Hoax open. My friend from Melbourne, AU, & I followed his channel. He did an excellent job on Sandy Hoax. You cannot assume everyone is a bot, troll, or shill. Especially with the number of truth speakers well aware & finding alternative platform outside of ZioTube. Good to see Russianvids reporting again.

What is the point of this video

this is too funny.


Gary King you have a pleasant voice to listen to. I work and listen the same time, so I listened to this 3 times today.