

Welcome Russian Vids.

The trauma surgeon laughing his ass off is a most significant yet routine anomaly that we keep seeing. This is an indicative common denominator of behavior contained in all these #phonyfakeshows

Google is run by Alphabet (agency), this drill was run by the feds, clearly shutting down free speech



Has anyone noticed the likeness of T. MCVEIGH to Mark ZUCKERBERG who I think played the ginger haired batman shooter when in court.

With relations like Erik the Red, there is no wonder why I battle so. Serving almost 4 decades as "enforcer" for one of your friendly eastern seaboard motorcycle clubs, I had my share of "collecting" , in house settlements and maintaining the respect towards the club or it’s made members. With this "hobby of bikes" :-) brought a lot of bloody faces, mostly mine. See, out of the countless battles (100+?) I’v been in I didn’t need to win, (nobody wins fighting unless it to the death anyways) I just had to do my job and enforce. Nobody would dare kill me,(whole seaboard act) well that took the edge off. I can’t be killed (check) can’t kill a client, won’t get paid,(check) can’t kill or be killed by in house tussles(check) I just had to represent, prove the point (at the time) and settle the matter. OK here’s what I’m getting, after years of this "blood on the face" I noticed, when blood is on my face and I’m bleeding... I feel ALIVE , I mean like caveman alive and horny "like a rutting elk" People step out of your way when your head looks like a basket ball. lol Not to mention the sister comforting your wounds for being the enforcer "punching bag" made me feel like a king inside. So my point is, that guy doesn’t have the "blood on the face" I survived or I’m ALIVE look to him, and the ladys, NEVER ,never would a lady back then leave anything on their faces, "especially blood" unless told to leave it on.(by a man) Oh and back to my family tree. When ever a battle would go wrong, I had the gift of flipping out thus placing fear in all who witnessed. On a side note, my dad could run 3 steps up a wall, fall on his back ruining the floor with his elbows as he’ed use them to bash the floor till the rage calmed. (vikings) lively bunch we are. If you would like to hear more of my life’s stories mixed in some correlation to news coverage then help me get a channel by sending a self addressed stamped envelope to... Get FEMACamps (irgunnar) a channel drive at or share yours. thank you folks ,and a big spasiba to russianvids for letting me campaign here. 153NEWS Rocks.

Oops Fetzer just said it. Shoulda known.

I thought Ruth Paine had a Rambler wagon. Didn’t Roger Craig say it was a light green Rambler Wagon?

Spending summers at my fathers in up state NY was more of a sentence then visit, and being as my old man was a gunsmith, he’ed have us scavenge lead at the shooting range, smelt it down, fill all calibers of dies and reload rounds.(bluing tanks at times too) Point being is, this trap range we go picking at was built so you couldn’t see us racking lead down after a rain in the trench to pick through it, unless we raked or tried to see over the berm, no one would know we’er there. Many times picking someone would open up and we’ed hear the rounds before the shot, then we’ed hands and knees down some in the ditch. I’v heard in coming round of many types and all have sounds all their own, I find the harder the round-the zip is ringy and softer smaller rounds have almost no vip till they deflect, large soft rounds buzz more then zip or vip. Hears the rub, The shots"bangs" were from a belt fed weapon, but the incoming rounds were soft and slow,(sounds seemed to spread) you could here one hit metal sheeting and it made a little "ting", large cal. "even out of a wrist rocket" make’s a bang, even if it hit’s a mound of catch berm you can feel it in the ground. No, I’d say large gun, large shell, paraffin rounds at about 3/4’s shell crimp. This would explain "blank" looking shell casings , co2 cartridges and the delay between volleys. See freezing or getting the wax (mix) ammo real cold "maybe in that ice bucket" will allow it to go further (don’t think much faster tho) and do some damage still without breaking bone. This also explains how people could get shot in the head, arm, leg and walk away thinking they got shot. So spread that around to the people bullying victims. They just wanted some TV time, but NOT the actors, they should be put in stocks for every day they deceived and all funds "not just donations" returned with a note explaining to not be an (auto sucker) and us the rest for administration costs. That would really expose money laundry services going on when you can’t find the owners of 90% of that feel better "donations" bit. I stopped shooting and hunting, so now my yard full of critters, to the point they get underfoot. If you like what I do here, you should see what I’d do with a channel. So vote FEMACamps gets a channel hunger drive. lol Ask 153news "how can you forsaken him". I’m not selling anything, so I don’t save thing’s to roll out bit by bit "like deBeers diamond" to keep the story fresh feed frenzy going. I RV and sleep on it, then look in to it mechanically. Oh, here that yard the animals and I hang out together at. Enjoy and Hope ya help. <3 LINK

Idk maybe but i think not. Yes man need to get out of lukewarm mode or they’ll get treadeth on.

Satan’s Apostles

The TMZ Will Ferrell article is full of numerology

Nicolas Cruz was the Parkland shooter’s name. I looked up Manifest Community Records and it doesn’t exist.

HaHa Hansen

The unidentified man is Curtis Urbina with his daughter Lenie Urbina & Nate Wheeler .... theyve been friends for years and younger pictures of both were used as victims. Lenie Urbina was used as Avielle Richman and Nate Wheeler as his fake younger brother Ben Wheeler. The following collage you will even see a released pic of Ben & Avielle together but really it is Lenie & Nate when younger.

Demons Welcome You To PACt Bell Park

Listen for God’s horn and not satan’s bell

Oops, why police and not military medics, is no one concerned of cross contamination from the ship. When I was a kid and young-in the capsules and later shuttles came blackish-burnt-tiles missing messed up looking, till folks started learning there’s nothing up there to burn soot on the fuselage. lol It was a hub bub for a week, then all was forgotten and the ships came back "showroom" ready for the cameras. "forgotten" the like moon data. Don’t forget; FEMACamps got’s no channel ,so let 153news know to "give the dog a bone"or share your channel. Here with people I respect, covering the missed, covered up, changed, hoxed and down right false flagged these magicians can pull. Many here I’v followed longer then I could tally. Here’s a video I made that was still out there? go figure, I had an admirer.Hope you enjoy me and the guys as we do our thing. and I hope’ll help. <3 LINK