
Thanks my friend!


Please contact the site owner


Cheers my friend!

Thank you!

Good vid!

33 views 😂 j/k

I want scott kelly and giffords along with all her gun grabbing fraudsters to go up into space and stay there.

InTruthbyGrace did terrific reporting!

Thank you, as always, Jamie and Sage of Quay!

Giffords is a true gangsta she can take a 9mm to the head with no scarring and an recovery that makes maddy wilford look like a chump. Such an inspiration to liberty loving americans.

Welcome RV !! Now persuade Peekay if you can. lol

They are all about the signs and symbols as we know. He’s a sellout 100% .

Why does Rogan have devil horns on his hat...

At the christening of USS Giffords, they could have smashed a champagne bottle against her head instead of the ship. Wouldn’t have affected her.

You could title this, "Kelly returns to a place he never left".

Welcome RV. This is from someone who was close to the bombing and will complement your video

The physics don’t add up for the OKC bombing.

Lol. Put down your crack pipe. Get some glasses as well.