
Yep and I think the "parents" will win just to try and scare all the rest of us who publicly call these fucks out by name . This pathetic show never ends ...

Publicity stunt

Maybe Fetzer is a vegetarian. Remember Jones going off, "I’m a man!!, I’m a meat eater!!"

I see a transfer of potential law suit funds from govt. to Alex to SH parents, if they win. Avoids a paper trail for pay-offs to SH participants.

I saw article last night. Interesting that Veronique’s last name is De La Rosa.

Jones agreed to be the deep-state rag-doll in order to intimidate Fetzer and the REAL promoters of the Sandy Hook hoax. Why would parents attack Jones when Fetzer has published an entire book with 6 PhD authors?

This kids winning with horse lengths.

Glad that I found you at last. Cheers to all!

No Chuck, it didn’t come up in that particular interview but if you look around on this site and listen to the site owner Jason Boss, you’ll quickly pick up on the fact that this is a flat earth HQ of sorts. Henry, and all the other nuts who think we live on a flying disc are gathered here.

just watched some more of his vids kind of bummed out it seems like one sided propaganda.

Ready to watch the video now. Breaking my self imposed rule about asking personal questions, I wanted to ask you if the NOLA in your name has anything to do with New Orleans? I ask because it’s my hometown and I’m used to seeing "NOLA" associated with all things New Orleans. If you feel like answering, I’d love to know. If not, no problem. Thanks!! Now, to the video.....

Fake as fuck. Nice done, brother.

Thank you TheVoiceofReason!

Thank you and God bless!

Now....I ask you. What if someone, at sometime, uses a legal precedent from one of these fake cases in a new case? Since we now have almost an entire population who will believe anything. Even with no evidence. Our society is so deceived and deceivable. "Just tell me in a marginally convincing way that something is a fact, and I’ll buy it...especially if the political ID I associate with tells me to," seems to be the prevailing attitude. "Don’t confuse me with facts! I already know what I believe," is what they are really saying.


Thank you!

Thanks, Dan!

Lizajane <3

Thank you, Jeffersonian Girl!