
Ditto. Jeffersonian Girl rocks big time.

Well said.......... Heartbreaking...................

Unbelievable .

The white Rodney King! Are they going to riot lute and burn his town down! No, it won’t be reported. Must be White privilege?

Are you fucking kidding me. The woman killed was the VP for Well’s Forgo! Why would she fly coach, was she the one opening unauthorized accounts?

Sorry! I hadn’t read the comments before I made mine. So the guy lives in North Carolina? Well, maybe you can still screw him with the California law because he’s using a California phone number. Haha!? Now I’ll look up the law for North Carolina.....

You just make this shit up...except that that’s ALL they’ve ever done - ONE HUNDRED percent scripted, the globalist psychopath media and history. Since, i don’t know...the holy roman empire #1984 #thetrumanshowrnrn

In the State of California making threats over the phone is considered a FELONY, punishable by up to four years in prison. It’s also considered a "strike" under the three strikes law in California. Just in case you’re interested. I don’t know how you and Conspiracy Granny have the patience to deal with this kind of thing!! Unfortunately for me, I don’t have the patience. Much respect for both of you for all you do and for all you put up with!!

I’m an engineer, designed anything and everything on an airport, and I know all the training protocols for the ARFF guys (Air Rescue Fire Fighting). They would have handled it on the runway if it was that critical and life was on the line. They claimed someone died, and if that was the case, then shame on the ARFF for waiting to handle this when the plane exited the runway. They also had time to pull out a mobile loading staircase for one side of the plane. Again, if a real emergency, why weren’t ALL of the ramps inflated and ALL exits used? I watched about 10 min of the live footage and it looked like a training drill. Nobody was in a hurry, everyone standing around doing nothing. It was like they had that runway closed that day (the one parallel to the runway), which they probably did. The NTSB was there immediately, and when I have a crash at one of my client’s airports, their ass takes FOREVER to show up and then they leave critical shit behind. I was going to go thru my other downloaded clips and see what else I can find. His interview was the first one I downloaded and when I looked him up, it was just too ridiculous to not cover first. rn

Speaking of transfers of funds - There’s a "lawsuit" going on now in which Lenny and maybe someone else too, are suing the City of Newtown for about 5 million dollars. Since they were all in it together, it’s obviously a show trial and a way to transfer money to Lenny. Maybe he blackmailed them for more money and this is the only way to pay him, as you so rightly said, without leaving a paper trail that would be inexplicable.

And it was said many times that the passenger was sucked out of the window. The speaker said that they were fifteen minutes away from landing. Those two things would mean that the woman fell to her death from the sky. So, where did she land?

Exactly! Plus, they would have kept REAL passengers far away from that side of the plane for the usual "reasons of safety".

You know, I really actually look forward to your videos. There hasn’t been one yet that has disappointed me in any way. You’re really good at what you do and the information you find is exceptional. This was a GREAT video. You catch them every time. Going to share this on Twitter now. Thanks!!!

I think you make the best point that it was on a taxiway. In such an extreme incident emergency landing, the emergency response vehicles would have been stationed to have the airplane stop as quickly as possible on the runway to render assistance, and the vehicles would have GONE TO THE AIRPLANE as soon as it could get stopped. They didn’t do that. The pilot would have radioed ahead and lamestream media, had they any footage, would have shown all the passengers being taken off the plane (drama), on the runway, while first assessment was being done regarding the situation. No way the passengers just sit there in the plane after landing and slowly taxiing to that spot while somebody is dying/dead on the airplane. It’s utterly ridiculous to imagine that they sprayed foam on a taxiway AFTER the crippled plane lands and slowly taxis to a location off the runway to have it’s engine sprayed with foam. Foam, in this little psyop, is a prop. QUESTION: Are oxygen masks any good if not covering BOTH nose and mouth?! Finally, he said that a shard shattered the "glass" and injured the passenger. Where’s the blood?

The worlds a scary place.

Whoa...this guy said he got these pictures while he was deplaning. There is no way he would have been that high. The people would have deplaned where it was. Fake booo

Wow I bugged out like old style thinking I’v over stepped hanging here, I said "self, RV’s still RV" he wouldn’t have 86ed ya for calling stephin stills a drunken bum.. me and my silver banter. :-) I did notice that lag in speech tracks thing and wondering how that got buy, "it didn’t" but the rebound was painless. OK, what are we looking at ? ah that’s right, tweedle dee and tweedle dumber. I’m sorry, for poster children all over world that will never be as displaced as these two candidates for beer/crack use prevention campaign, I mean really...this is what things have broken down to.? "me being my dad"(no hand gun tho) Or have they learned everything one needs to know from TV. "this is why to not defeat natural selection" Hello, this is Ed McMoron here to ruin reality and ride side saddle as we belittle history we can’t ruin. Really tho folks, how cool has it been reliving this stuff, it’s like the way back machine "RV style." A tribute to RV, here’s my favorite россияне band. LINK it DIG it. ( ) Hey! I’m not the enemy! LINK TUNE ( ) Oh come on, 7 says till the fleet gets there, embrace the of Russian culture. Here’s another tune LINK ( ) I’m sorry (RV) if my stereo’s to loud but 7 days out comrade. Here’s another great song from people we may be blowing up soon. TUNE LINK ( ) A boy and his bomb, kinda pulled on my heart strings in the end tho. Tell me how a banker could want to destroy such a talent, what’s next burning books! YES, It’s here, ask Dr. Fetzer "minga" OK I’ll stop just 2 more "Just trying to familiarize and desensitize before someone get’s hurt " NEXT SAVING LINK( ) are they not the cutest kids, so don’t blow them up powers that be. Last tune but from another of my favor out of mother Russia (Russian pride world wide) remember when the US trended so world wide and looked to as free. Now who’s the leaders of said free world. CUBA? New band. "pop" but dig it "the ice has melted" LINK ( ) Just think of it, FEMACamps kicking it old school ssrp style "& I wonder why hunted" lol "the last one" (lies) but the GIRLS Get their say right.? LINK ( ) someone send that video to Trump,tell me you don’t want to cuddle n kiss all those foreheads. little honeys. That has to spark humanity. Having fun yet? Look at this wonderful place, 11 time zones and more cinemas then the rest of the world, about to become bombed out ruins.? Colons turn matter to shit, hence "COLONization" turning fluid matter to stool. NICE PRETTY LINK ( ) I’v done light shows for some time now, oops I fell down and placed this LINK getting up sry. "for any heaters out there" ( ) I love hanging here with so many I look up to, how much better thing’s would be if’in we all had the opportunity to chill with such greats of our time. Here and now, not some dusty tome interpreted by Zackery Sitchin but archives forthwith in our faces like a hooligan’s punch to the face, that will wake (tune) one up. Embrace what we have here at 153NEWS Because things taste better when made with care and I feel things are better here with you."do you care"? Help stop bombing brown people, by changing the narrative for future generations to witness first hand, from teachers like RV, who’s just pointing out your house is on fire, but "no big deal" Slap happy at this point I am, here’s a wonderful video to lighten the mood or in rage you to stand up and save this bitch. Respectfully yours irGUNNAR (FEMACamps) Spasiba RV and Props. 153NEWS. Very nice LINK ( ) This is what RV flos, It’s like astral planing but aimed when launched , you can aim off world but why..."don’t know anyone there" Just keep in mind, until the end, my thoughts are kind for you my friends. zzz

Office of Public Engagement. He engaged the public alright--- with yet another phony story and massive waste of everybody’s time. Probably attended the Harley Guy School of the Art of Lying Through Your Teeth.

The UBER references appear in too many news stories to be real, they’re clearly trying to promote UBER along with other globalist products/apps in these hoaxes. There was a story someone woke up in an UBER that had driven across the country and billed him thousands of dollars, the driver didn’t try to wake him up of course. There’re hundreds of fake stories promoting Uber.

whoever gave this video a thumbs down needs to do some research