
Good work up until the Buford is Pat part.....because they aren’t. But good research. As far a a future legal precedent probably wont ever happen. I’d like to see a lawsuit from people who donated money to a fraudster then woke up afterwards. Sonething like that could open up a lot of cans of worms.

Are they trying to take him into custody? Or are they trying to kill him? All jostling for a chance to punch and kick him.

You mean on top of the millions they’ve already made jeff? The parents, the town, everybody who was involved are millioniares from the deaths of those poor little children who no paramedics even bothered to try to save that day jeff. And the money is still rolling in jeff and will be for years jeff.

Very true and well said William

Bogus lawsuit with several clear agendas. Money like always but also to make the useful idiots think anyone who can see the frauds for what they are are A. Jones fans when in reality most of us just think he’s the king of the shills.

If he shot anybody or ran at them in his truck they would of gunned him down. So this is most likely a gang assault on an unarmed man.

Evil filth !

Here is pic I made. So I take it that is Curtis in both pics?

Good to see you back

In the words of Ananconda Malt Liquor...Phoney Fake Show

I in no way trust press t.v and used to question max appearing on there but he mentioned in one of his shows they will only allow him to say so much..think that’s maybe why they cut him short on this one.

It’s funny how Jones is considered the face of Shady Hoax truth but was nowhere to be seen calling it a hoax at the start. In fact for a while him and his accomplices kept demonizing us for calling it a hoax. It wasn’t till his puppet masters saw benefit in him getting involved that he started calling it a hoax. There’s no way they’d be comfortable with a court case unlesss it was one of their own acting the part of evil truther.

did you ever see james adomian and his bernie impression? Its pretty funny.

I don’t care what this guy did, but there is no reason for this gang to swarm on their prey like this.

Nice to see Max landed a gig with Press TV. Always a good thing to see a truther up there.

The guy kept touching the chemical victim to. I am not sure that is wise.

Hosing people down with water with their clothes still on sure don’t seem like proper protocol to me.

Wow. I haven’t seen a gang up like that since the last time I watched WrestleMania 30 years ago. They will get off. No charges against police. In the line of duty excuse.

unverified least they had a disclaimer glad I left the US.