
I do not partake in baal/sun/satan/nimrod worship. The holy bible is the book of the SUN. Jesus, the sun god or son of god, holy spirit [trinity] is a kabbalistic [jew] slant on ’the books’ or the genealogy and history of the race of adam. The serpent is the most cunning beast of the field. Not perfect but enough to get the point if you hadn’t seen it yet.

I knew there was a problem with the story when I saw the names of the crew. Captain Sum Ting Wong - First Officer Wee Tu Lo - Second Officer Ho Lee Fuk - Flight Engineer Bang Ding Ow

Aww yeahhh! Welcome home.

Lies on top of lies by the master of lies.

Jones is the biggest disinfo agent in the ’political’ sect behind Trump. Crumbles everytime when faced with the JQ and blames others like the ’communist chinese’. Remember, Jones’ big start was the waco hoax with David Kosher. Nice vid

No one is playing games with these people lives. They are going to great lengths to plugging the dam from bursting and I assume your one hoping the dam does not burst. The easy thing to do shut up anyone that doubts is to take Sidethorns offer. Present a open and transparent inquiry like the Toronto Hearings about 9/11. So we can have truth. If their is nothing to hide, then why is that not possible? I just see a hole being dug deeper all the time.

Fetzer is a shill too . All work the same Jewish mafia

Definitely a family member had Tony on his show many times as different characters of course. Their days are short and they know it that’s why all the attacks lately.

Fuck yourself Reszneki!

Yes, they are gatekeepers

He’s not bill hicks but he is his cousin.

"Jones" is one of them 100% hoax.

The sad truth!

Thanks my friend. And yes, the 33 is coded everywhere.

Irony.. was at work and Friend goes "Fake News" when this story came up on the tvs. He was just joking as I like to say most news is fake to them, guess it was .

Looked up photos of fireworks for a video."if I had a channel" hintx2 (see RV’s Bells video) I came across a photo of RV’s(thumb nail) seemed out of place, drawn to like a bug zapper I took the bait... google redirect warning! but the 1st screen up was something to the tune"this site is not verified by blah blah" speaking of 153news "what a dink move by "jewgle". anyone else ? Don’t if’in know ya want ta click dis puppy. LINK to evil ( ) Wow long. Got my name in too. So’s I clicked "me dummy" return option "nothing", so "dummyer" clicked continue to site,then the page locked, hard drive lit up and no task manager command. Jumping under to table to hit the power strip off I stopped,"crisis go to waste" I grabbed the modem line in unplugging it, hard drive stopped, plus command prompted was up. Rolled back, called myself a name or two. That’s using the "G-word" to search with. hoped to find remnants of my channel (refugeereality)way back when AJ had Jason Bermus, before this "cockroach army" invasion.(Norman Dodd) Sense coming up with a microwave on a stick to eradicate invasive species for the DNR,or well "pulling" nape weed as morel mushrooms hunting (2 pay,1 go) Being all gung-ho, I looked into nape weed, learned of seed banks and thought of pop corn. Unlike the G-5 roll out, I tested and observed 1st, finding how far into the soil at what wattage one could pop nape seeds without killing everything else.(kills everything in the time to pop a seeds). The reprieve was nape weed gives off oils that under your skin’s a good chance you’ll kiss that finger goodbye. "Thus microwave stick ideal"This oil aspect also keeps the dirt critters away too. So extinct patch of nape weed with no chemicals."OOPS STRIKE 1" Wondering is this my "eureka" moment? Well it get’s better, At first this looked bad, "like the critter deaths did" when micro waves passed through the top layer of soil, just like HAARP passing the (A) layer, it takes more energy to penetrate said layer each time. "38watts of haarp looked to deposit depths of earth early on" Problem? No, go over once the seed bank’s done."forever"OK the next finding was the soil picked up a charge so surface tension went zoom to the moon. Talk a ducks back, week of erosion table and no troughin except where clover n grass sprouted and this would break the spell of tension. Replacing hydro seeding "where modern infections form" along highway ramps or fire/logging roads (OOPS STRIKE 2) While trying to figure the surface thing out, I hit the mother load "save the world style" Now dig this brother and sisters, send your self addressed stamped envelopes to 153news (attn.BIG WIGS) FEMACamps is a smuk not schmuck. Oh wait,#givethissmuk a channel. (STRIKE 3) After growing a field of "corn" etc. it must go fallow in order to break up salt locks or the draw of the ground will draw from the plant. Again "crisis waste not" the charge in charge wasn’t the wave but the insoluble salts breaking and releasing electrons in to the ground. This makes one pass with a microwave harrower and ten days later field’s ready to replant. "yes it was an eureka moment" Oh and then I got the visit and learned about disruptive innovations. That’s when you close channels and watch as your gleaned from the world. Ask any pressurized HHO buff. Not even 153news understands this, or maybe they do.? am I a disruptive tech or just not cool enough to post. You tell me, better yet you tell them. <3 spasiba mactep RV. 153NEWS is the momboobannannadogpatch "Steve Martin" saz

Youtube is Hitlerian with their new Censorship just like how Windows 8.1 and 10 are far different then Windows 7 and before because you can feel they are taking their privacy away and this latest debackle with Zuckerberg the facebook policies etc will only end up taking more of your privacy away. Everything is a Stage (Behind the Gilded Cage). Just like the psyop with the Youtube shooter so they can say "Oh look this guy doesn’t like Youtube, he must be a terrorist", all about censorship. Of course the same Freemasons in power now are the same Freemasons that put Hitler to power. Was watching your video by Zack Greevey on Time Warner Wwe waiting for part 2. Been watching your channel now for several years on Youtube back when your original channel had over 100000 subs or close to it I think it may have been only 80000 but it was starting to become mainstream just like Nuffrespect channel had "911 coincidences" and was one of the highest viewed and shut down in 2009. Been trying to convince people of flat earth but their egos and pride won’t allow them to let go.

Good to see you Russianvids also notice the "C C" in the pic when you showed the curavture.

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