Comments might ant to take guidance from the legal arena as to what is allowed.....

Marty Martinez, a passenger on the flight, posted a video on his personal Facebook page stating he was "recording his last moments." Martinez told CBS News there was "blood everywhere" on the aircraft. - LOL!

Oh and PS..... When will be ab finally able to format comments with paragraphs? Pretty please! LMAO

Jason, my view of this and your comments in this video is that you are living up to your chosen username. Nothing more, nothing less. I’ve seen a few of these vids and I don’t really know what to make either but I don’t have a strong view for or against. But like you say, there has to be balance and not just anything can go. More than happy to go with what the group of guys say - I’ve not seen any tyranny or the like of those running 153 but as you say it cannot just be anything goes. What I really *DO NOT* want to see is fellow members of 153 hurling the nastiest of insults at each other in the comments section. That cannot be allowed as it will in time ruin 153 News. I’m sure that will not be allowed to happen by you guys and put my trust in that. Doing a great job, keep it up! I long for the day when the Android app is finally release and I can stream it from my Android Shield TV box to the big screen ... I know you’re working on it so I’ll try and be patient. LOL

I thought that vice hit piece was vicious hopefully we only come back stronger from it. They clearly aren’t pulling punches so we need to be smart and focus on verified information or allude to possibilities but don’t claim it to be fact. Nasim Aghdam doesn’t appear to be CGI and so we get portrayed as nutjobs because of that. Still doesn’t change the fact that the YT shooting is dubious at best, but it steers people away from truth which is counter productive.

That’s tough, sound fair though, just have to be carefull that the judgement committee doen’t get it wrong and make themselves look stupid, co’s as people into this kind of info, the truth can be stranger than fiction, hell I used to think wikileaks was a bastion of truth and alex jones. We all never stop learning eh and when we think we know it all we know nothing.

And thanks again, TheVoiceofReason. I’m going to upload a whole lot more on your site. I’m trying to get Peekay on board as well. God bless!

Cheers my friend!

Thanks my friend!

Every time I see that clip I laugh harder than the time before. By the way I’m over 60 and expecting a child this summer...Please go fraud me!

And "TJ Hooker" = 33

TRUTH...Thanks. Please don’t have a stroke..we need you!

Love 153....disinformation makes us all look crazy. Thank you!

I was hoping he would say some of the crew couldn’t hold back their bodily fluids. Nightmare at 20,000 feet all over again.

Thanks Bill!

i am with you on this and i belive you are being fair and doing the right thing here jason thanks your a good man jason god bless

100%! The full video presentation is coming up soon.

They are trying to give him some legitamcy. If he was really getting sued, he would have done a 180 like he did on James Alephontis. He got scared to death.

Mic West and Joe Rogan are paid government bitches .

Wow , these demons need to die .