
I am curious to see the outcome.

Jewrassic Liar’s hoax codes work quiet well with this hoax: Passenger Amanda Bourman (man x2), Passenger Marty Martinez (ram x2) (same initials) (MM=33), Jennifer Riordan (the passenger sucked through the window but pulled back in has the "rear" sound in her name for the ’ass’ code), Passenger Alfred Tumlinson, of Corpus Christi (he’s got the SON in his name man "can you believe this shit man?"...and they just had to mention the corpse of Christ). That’s right. They always have to tell us they killed Jesus in their hoaxes. And Jennifer’s husband is Michael Riordan who is the COO of Albuquerque, NM and the fourth highest wage earner on the city payroll at $161,862 and the name ’michael’ is 33. End of video. lol

Staged to scare truthers. Same ol’ shit.

Wow. What a great find!

Btw, it is more than just Freemartin stuff in the videos


Reszneki is very sick and twisted he should be locked up in the nut house.

And the hardest thing to do is tell someone they are wrong. Especially here, but my reasons for my comments to one of the videos were justified, but my language should better. That happens. Hope you understand ✌

The MSM says they are accurate. Wikipedia, too, claims to be 100% accurate, has a process for it, and yet promotes many falsehoods in the end. It’s ok to have governors who censor but it should be called for what it is, not hidden behind terms like accuracy.

I am sorry I made the comments to one of the videos in question. But one only needs common sense to realize how damaging those videos are to those attacked. I stuck up for these people because of my background, just like I stuck up for people here when I met FBI on 3/7. I hope you understand. ✌

Right now I’m uploading older content, but maybe here and there I’ll cover new content until then. I’ll see how things go.

I’m sure to most of you this is common knowledge. However, for everyone else: Here comes the numerology: INFOWARS = 33 Chaldean | ALEX JONES = 33 Pythagorean

I am the one who this is about. I stated my reasons about the videos in question. I should not have gone off, but I had my reasons. Very insulting videos attacking people for no reason. However, I told Jason I will abide by his and staff decisions on this. ✌

Are you going to make a video of the southwest airplane.

Hey men, some more truth for you, some more corruption exposed:

His name Equals 39

Completely understand. For this particular topic, this team has no idea about freemartins or the author in question. So its going be completely unbiased. The content authors can always weigh in and show more evidence. I think we can pull together and figure this out.

Awe! Thank you! I have another video uploading that will be on the next liar, Martinez. His story is really ridiculous!

Yep! Chuck, I’m on it. My Video is processing on that stupid LYING Martinez dick! It should be up in an hour!

i agree that we MUST put out stuff that is accurate. If I’m putting out something that is wrong, I’m going to pull it myself. Most of my videos are taking the Fake News footage and "Reading Between the Lines". Guessing people are something that they are not, is a stretch though. So, that being said, I’ve like in general that specific channel’s content. I think they just need to tone down the accusations that can’t be proven, then police yourself and take down those videos! We can’t be a joke site! We have to remain truthful, more than the Fake News!