
This isnt a censorship committe. This is a research committee that can figure out the truth. We have niven1 who made NHL freemartin videos and we have a hockey pro saying its not true. I have no idea so I am letting another party download niven1’s vids and see what they think. This process is only for issues arising where people say videos arent the truth. thetruthissweet is very passionate about this and both he and niven1 are good researchers. So we gotta have a way to figure this particular situation out.


Sir Shillsalot .

Haha!! Just had to come back and say that the supposed female pilot of the plane is now trending on Twitter as our new "HERO"!!! Seems she’s a former Navy fighter pilot. What a damn coincidence!! Free recruitment publicity for the Navy in the middle of a giant hoax and people are actually buying the whole load of bs AGAIN!!! I’ve tweeted your video twice already and when I get home from the library I’ll tweet it again. Thanks again for the truth about this fraud!!

Fact .

100% shill .

Yep .

Government paid troll Michael Williamodell Reszneki 2119 B Michigan Avenue Los Angeles California 90033 .

no...he is an ex hockey pro and is the one who says the videos in question are rubbish.

I’m curious; what videos did you flag for being untruthful? And are you one of the people selected to be on the truthfulness committee?

I have been in microwave technologies most of my adult life. A few things I can’t explain is satellite tv. I have installed a ton of them and its a southern shot. I am pretty sure they use the dome to reflect off but I still can’t explain gps

Yes, 100% hoax and the numbers do not lie. The 33.



DeborahFSH, I tried to donate to your fund but my bank sent me a notice that they think it is a scam and that you’re not really preggers. Is that true? This is the type of comment I leave on GoFraudMe pages except I say my bank doesn’t think anyone died. lol

This is about me and videos I flagged for being untruthful. I stand 100% by my claims to 153. Common sense is at the heart of this problem.

Fake lawsuit against a fake "truther". The cabal can accomplish a lot with this movie. legitimize Jones to the Trump believers and make The Sandy Hook parents look human. I am weeping already for these poor tortured families. How dare someone say the pictures of these children aren’t dead.

Yep. Always, always with the product placement. McDonalds, Gucci, Dunkin Donuts, UBER, Starbucks. And now they have this ridiculous Starbucks racial black/white hoax going on. Starbucks must need more customers. Any kind of press is good press.

CFM567B = 33 for the engine Southwest = 33, TAMMIEJOSHULTZ = 33 consonants later changed spelling with her last name with an "s". No video of anything other than people with O2 masks on very calm. I think it was planned.

You’re already on the slippery slope of censorship. For example, if your committee determines there is no validity in the demonstrable facts in nature proving we live on a stationary horizontal plane, you will prove to be antithetical to that reality. Just one example. I’ve seen one video of "Nasim Aghdam", in which it was alleged a CGI creation, and disagree with Zombie insurrection that it "doesn’t appear to be CGI and so we get portrayed as nutjobs because of that." I personally think there may be something to the CGI argument, though still undecided. Will you shut it down before it can be developed more? As the technology for deception has improved since Kubrick’s hit comedy of pretending to put a handful of Freemasons on the moon in their laughable space-mobeels, we must investigate the glitches in their productions proving them a sham. Another example-- 9/11, no airplanes. There were no airplanes at either the Twin Towers, Pentagon, or Shanksville. Will your committee censor something like that, also? Slippery slope, bad idea to even discuss truth by committee. AGREE WITH CIDEREYE--- FIX NOT BEING ABLE TO BREAK INFORMATION INTO LOGICAL PARAGRAPHS, AND MAKE THE BOXES BIGGER THAN TWO LINES!