
"I needed to get out just one more tweet, and some dick pics, before I died. So, I prayed to my ISP and my flacid little smokey...." Fucking pathetic!

Oh FFS!!!! It’s one of those times when I wish I could reach through the screen and repeatedly bitchslap Martinez and Lemon and all the other Main$tream shills.

They need new seat belts on these planes. Maybe he should, as a marketer, market stronger seat belts. That would be sooo Martin of him.

Amazing find! I don’t knowwhether to laugh or cry

Thank you! Really silly heh!?!

OMG! Thank you, J-Girl.

Will do, thanks.

please check out my latest 2 videos, especially the oxygen mask!

Great vid. Love your work.

ROFLAO! Seriously? I’ll have to check out the latest BS!

I just uploaded 2! Hope you enjoy the Mask video!

We won’t be fact checking all the content but this particular issue we have 2 authors at odds over the content. This system is setup only to deal with this.

I deeply appreciate this platform and information venue! I am supporting through Patreon. I don’t know how you can (or should) fact-check all the content, but thank you for your herculean and ongoing efforts to get this all going.

What I have understood, this movie was deleted or something, and then restored, do not remember exactly, but John DeCamp has an explanation. That’s why the bad quality.

Mark and Jason: I played college hockey but I have been involved with the game all my life to this day. In one particular video, Niven claims photo shop on team pic from this season. I am sending Jason my rebuttal that shows Niven is wrong. This is a two fold problem: photo shop and demeaning attack on people not involved. It went from claiming an event was staged to immediate attack on the entire NHL players.

Lies are everywhere. Hollywood, TV and recording companies are incestuous corporations and they propagandize us 24/7!

Can’t wait to see the one on the Martinez guy. I miss so much because I can’t keep up with everything and also don’t get American tv, so I don’t know who he is, but I’m sure you’ll explain very well.

Truth in movies, TV shows, music and lies in the news and school text books.

Haha!! Busted again! As if someone in her position would be flying coach!! You are so right!!

Check out the 2 new videos I’m uploading now! The latest short video I will post on that hoax will prove that window was not busted out when it was in the air!