
Jewrassic Liar’s hoax codes work quiet well with this hoax: Passenger Amanda Bourman (man x2), Passenger Marty Martinez (ram x2) (same initials) (MM=33), Jennifer Riordan (the passenger sucked through the window but pulled back in has the "rear" sound in her name for the ’ass’ code), Passenger Alfred Tumlinson, of Corpus Christi (he’s got the SON in his name man "can you believe this shit man?"...and they just had to mention the corpse of Christ). That’s right. They always have to tell us they killed Jesus in their hoaxes. And Jennifer’s husband is Michael Riordan who is the COO of Albuquerque, NM and the fourth highest wage earner on the city payroll at $161,862 and the name ’michael’ is 33. End of video. lol

thanks! Be sure to check out my Safety Video on how to wear an oxygen mask correctly!

You and whole bunch of us!

LOL! Yep! You’re dead on!

yep! Not a scratch anywhere! No blood. In fact, we don’t have ANY footage of this blown out window while they are flying! If anyone was going to capture footage on the plane, THAT would have been the footage to capture! Not this idiot putting on an oxygen mask, which can happen for ANY reason!

I think these idiots just run with some story and never think it through. There is a pattern of stupidity to where they dont practice or they arent coached properly. Where are these defunct handlers! Get your team in sync!

Awesome! It’s crazy how much news I once believed was real, but after waking up since Sandy Hoax have since realized it’s been a phony fake show for quite some time! Making "heroes" out of crisis actors, while REAL heroes go on without any recognition or name in history! Our history is nothing but lies.

Those windows are high strength. Three layers of polycarbonate or acrylic plastic and each is about 1 inch thick. The "victim" was belted in her seat yet somehow half her body went out the window. Yeah, that’s sounds plausible.

good catch! He walks around with enough evil, so it makes sense!

I know! I want to know how the engine explodes from the front, and makes perfect cuts in the metal cowling too. It’s all nonsense, and the people sitting casually on that plane in the video shows it was nothing like we were told. I think they pulled a 9/11, switching airplanes. One for the "wifi" footage, and another plane was on the ground with the crisis actors that would walk off the plane calmly. I was going to do one more video showing a REAL ARFF rescue and people evacuating, versus their training drill. Then, I’m back to exposing the Parkland shills that I’ve yet to cover.

haha...forget the oxygen, gimme my laptop. hahaha yeah right!

could someone actually fit through an airplane window. hoax me slowly..lala

Marty Martinez Equals 66 and MM=33

Both? lol

Correct! Most people wouldn’t believe that’s a problem, but the idiots just sitting around not losing their hat or hair blowing around isn’t enough proof for them. I totally agree! It would be raging wind "Whirl"ing around, and especially couldn’t hear! Your ears would be in some serious pain!

Including his loose mask blowing off his face.

Not only that but his so called liev facebook video would clearly show things being blown around

Thank you. I made a couple claims (should have presented it better in one comment) and it is being looked at rightfully. Like I start earlier here, it is not an ideal situation, but one has the right to express what they think is misinformation that can lead to further problems later.

I share most of your vids -- with real friends because I am no longer subscribed to FaceBook or any other ’social’ media.

We’re supposed to believe this guy flies coach. I’m pretty sure the idea you can be sucked out an airplane window is not true. In any case there were sharp bits of glass all around that broken window. Not a scrap of cloth or any blood to be seen around it. Obviously more hoggsh!t.