
That is such a farcical interview . Can’t the public call that out straight away ? . Obviously not. Good work JG .

Great posting name! ✌

Yeah, a patsy actor

Looks like Matt Tranchin sitting next to Marty Martinez in that pic. Metrosexual lovers it seems.

George Carlin always on top. Even on kids shows. lol

Boy would I love to kick Mr. Martinez in the nut sack once or twice. This story of him buying wi-fi and searching for his wallet are just rediculous. How could people have become so stupid that they believe anything this sack of shit spews out of his lying, treasonous mouth?

Heard this on the radio (UK) and the alarm bells started ringing. Now I know it was a load of trollop . Nice one.

He’s a top man .

Fake police (Las Vegas Staged Event) 45:16 in – Blurred out the number on the badge:

Fake police in the news: 4:18 in – No name on the tag.

Can passengers be sucked through a broken airplane window?The truth is that it can’t. All windows in a plane are multiple-glazed and far too small for passengers to fit through.

To me it sounded like an ad for fakebook liev. At least the Marty Martian clown. Did you know you can get fakebook liev even in a crashing airplane? Even fake x can’t get wifi in the Atlantic, but you can get fakebook liev when your planes goyin down.

God go with you Cody. Thank you Ole and Irma.

Just when you thought it was safe to wipe....... Hahahaha

GPS provides not just latitude and longitude but also altitude.

There’s a short official documentary about GPS that shows a small room with 20 people who allegedly maintain the system. It’s just hard to believe so few people could hold the key to something so important for all the world. With alternative explanations of GPS, remember it’s not just

I don’t think so. I also believe Matt said he was in Row 16. However, that guy doesn’t look like Matt.

Yeah, that would be one serious wind and noise going on in that cabin. Of course we did have Mrs Riordan’s rear plugging it up for a while so maybe those guys could calmly get on the wifi while her ass was plugging the hole. Seems plausible.

Is that the other texting guy next to him, Matt Tranchin, with the pregnant wife? That’s who Mr. 33 (MM) said was next to him.

You’ve got that right, J-Girl. It wasn’t until Mandalay Bay and the California fires that I woke up entirely. But now I am busy re-visiting all the stories that I was fed and consumed prior to that.