
Merkel?!?! What? Where? Why? That one?... Hitler’s daughter?

They’re liars. And the fact that he is competing against.biological females as a man in drag is like serena williams and.coumtless.other cheaters. Whether it’s dead or not , if you’re exposing the TRUTH for the lie then it’s Christian. You shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall make you free. I’m glad you made the video because I’d never even heard of the person AND, it is good to know just how pervasive this demonic infestation is.

Or it’s a lie! Just like Boston MARathon. Trayvon MARtin MARjorie Stoneman MARtha Stewart etc…. Now MARgaritaville Singer! At 76 (13) same as Stephen Hawking. If he’s dead he was suicided!

For having a stroke he sure made a quick recovery! 6 days in hospital? Humm

COVID 19 is 5g Radiation Poisoning! COVID never been isolated !

The Tavistock test subjects will believe everything their TV and Government deities tell them - not all souls shall sleep but shall be changed (Corinthians 15:51h…….many will not awaken from their hypnosis and their delusional trust in their Gov/News and MSM for information/LIEnce or science - they’ve spent their whole lives under a spell, and you can lead a horse to water and not make it drink, you can provide mankind truth and facts yet not make them think - not all shall awaken but we can only keep trying (only time given to those who may have a chance of listening and seeking truth about this subject and a HUGE variety of others they need to be in the know about

You comment is worth way more than two cents.

Don’t forget Dr Kary Mullis they got to him as well, he despised Anthony Fauci openly.


VETERAN ARBORIST ROBERT BRAME ANALYSES THE "WILDFIRES" , Robert Brame is a forensic arborist who has analyzed 38 California fires and has come up with hundreds of photographic evidence of IMPOSSIBLE normal fire behaviour. MUST WATCH!!

I also think it’s too late.They got away with 911 and to me that was our last chance .my 2 cents.

They killed her for speaking out. This is real reason world is on fire..why trains derail..why food processing plants are burning down..why people are being tricked into getting poison vaxx, forcing us into shitty electric cars, fake global warming.

Yes, I see shortages and hear reports of them daily from freedom to bondage in 7 decades.

protest? I say sue em’.

Their revolution will ultimately fail as have all others, the main unanswered question is how many sheep perish. The real fun begins when people can’t put food on the table which is coming soon.

When you’re asleep, you don’t know you’re sleeping.

I like the jews better

The three E’s Economy Ecology and Equity (SOCIAL EQUITY) get it ?

Sad to say I disagree with Rosa now, there are still too many asleep in the Matrix, they have been working feverishly since 1992, laying the groundwork, now they are well advanced into the implementation stage of this agenda and people still don’t get it, their homes and livelihoods are being destroyed by fire and being washed away by orchestrated weaponized weather systems only to move them into resilient 15 minute smart cities when there is no place left to go, these evil elites have become emboldened and they know that there is no one to stop them. I appreciate you repeating this message, maybe there are still a few that will listen and get out of the way of this runaway freight train without brakes.