
Covid does not exist, just like planes on 911 did not exist.





Yeah he hated the hippies as much as he hated the attendee’s at Bohemian Grove which he said was the most faggotist God D...... place he’d ever been and wouldn’t shake hands with anyone from San Francisco.

100%, Richard Nixon did not like the hippies because they were antiwar and he made it rain on them. The sheep would never believe that the military, a.k.a. the Air Force would do this to their own people. Great video.

That is exactly right. The Jews, Freemasons, Illuminati, government officials, NGO’s, corporations, and on are all working toward this common goal whether they all know it or not. That’s what people need to understand.

The guy that runs up wanting to speak with the press about this doesn’t look like your typical dope smoking hippy, he seem to be much more aware than those in a daze around him, this was only a few years after the military deployed operation Popeye in Vietnam "why are the fascist pigs seeding the clouds" we are living in more of a fascist dictatorship than then.

I didn’t realize they seeded the clouds at Woodstock. I knew they got lots of rain and the ground became a muddy mess. It’s crazy that more people back in 1969 believed the weather was manipulated than in this time.

I think it is not necessary to go into very sophisticated technology to explain the blue objects not attacked. My understanding is that this attack was done using DEW weapons from planes and the actual operators just directed the rays to anything that was not blue. It is very simple Oprah and all the other people that were not affected were told to have their roofs painted blue as well as their cars. Also they had maps where the areas to be burned were highlighted.

I checked & looked a couple o times, but could not find any links to V. Summit or weekly blog in the show notes, so now wondering where I can find these?

I said the children were kidnapped when news broke out! Now I find out 15? Full size school buses are missing which can seat 1000 children easy!! Wow I bet that s what really happened they were trafficked!!

VETERAN ARBORIST ROBERT BRAME ANALYSES THE "WILDFIRES" , Robert Brame is a forensic arborist who has analyzed 38 California fires and has come up with hundreds of photographic evidence of IMPOSSIBLE normal fire behaviour.

An expert reading from his script. A conveniently timed comeback, must’ve had the summer off from killing old people and celebrities.

This is funny because I just sent this same clip over to a YouTube preppers channel and I can’t even get anyone to even consider the notion that this is possibly an orchestrated weather event just as I believe it was used during Woodstock, another channel is calling it Gods wrath on these ungodly pagans, but even Satan attacks his own, maybe God has taken his protection away from those that have turned their back on him allowing Satan to use whatever he has in his arsenal on them, but I don’t believe this is an act of God in the usual sense, or his wrath on these nonbelievers, it’s more like God left them to their own devices, and is allowing Satan and this evil government to use this event as another distraction. Another guy on YouTube wears a shirt that says stupid should hurt, and they got hit with a dose of stupid.

There is no real fun coming soon. It will be the worst thing imaginable times 10. If we can humble ourselves and repent according to Scripture, we might not have to face the worst of it.

Yeah. A guy just standing there and for some reason someone finds it worthwhile to film him. And then he puts his arms up to soften the fall. That was so ridiculous. When you see people dying from the vaxx they’re falling hard. One guy on the pavement in spasms and the puddle of blood spread around his head from his skull slamming the pavement. that buffalo bills sellout who gently falls on his faggot ass and then they pull off the hoax ritual and he’s resurrected three days later and that.liitle creepy child of his and he flashing the masonic fruitcake hand signs.

Supposedly he had created some elaborate irrigation network and was bringing life to the ?️?️ desert. Can’t have people fed and happy. Even the creatures pushing the evil would be happier if humanity was allowed to thrive.

The new 5g phones are not 5g thru have no 5 G chiprn But they have set up 5 G towers everywhere. Even in our small rural town. .5g is the oxygen frequency it effects the electron on the O2 molecule and the hemoglobin in the blood cannot pick up the oxygen. 5g equals Death. At least that is what I have gathered. Larry Powers O believe is his and he says 5g is a military weapon.