
Nice guy but totally delusional in thinking that he and his clan ( mutt included ) .are somehow going to avoid what`s coming to we the plebs .

Covid does not exist.

To hell with Jill and Joe.


I pray for his safety.

The duping delight was shameful. No one would laugh or smile like this idiot. Those criminals belong in jail.

They prob had this technology much earlier. So with this over 60 year old technology, they can pretty much do anything. Now they can use HAARP and DEW to wreak havoc on earth. The devil’s time is running out. Every week there is something burning or flooding. These criminals never stop.

“Big Mike”, for some reason this really made me laugh!

There is not one realistic word comes out of this actors mouth. Not the appropriate emotion for the circumstances.

i concur.

Exactly like little Robbie , even look related !

What’s so funny ?

Mugging for the camera and her 15 seconds of fame.

OMG! Duping delight de lux - Robbie Parker-style

Exactly!!!rnSame modus operandi - Burning Man and Woodstock -

Good Acting look like he belongs in a Nursing home. lol..

Great Video!! Cancer cannot live in an oxygen rich inviromen t . Opptiment ph of blood 7.3 oh green. On test strip. Much of this is consistent with what I have learned ! I believe it to be good info.

This video has been getting around. Even the many of the asleep know something is wrong. Maybe Maui will spark a further awakening among them.

Covid does not exist, just like planes on 911 did not exist.