

I believe space is fake and definitely gay. Thank you bossman.

filthy sellout no ethics traitor for sheckles. selling out.

No way this was a natural fire. It’s so obvious. Thank you for the video.

Oh isn’t that cute, India’s pretending they went to the moon too. Aren’t they clever.

Trichinelle spiralis. Even if you all don’t follow the OT disease-prevention rules given by Yah, then do it for lack of trust in the food industry. A Trich outbreak is a potential tool for the powers that shouldn’t be.

The power of just simply saying "No".

LGBTQ+ was/is the gateway towards accepting even more abominable things.

Yes sir. Just like the doctors and nurses who continued to push the jabs after seeing the results or the other hospital death protocols.

That cartoon clip was a perfect analogy.

I see near misses all the time in the big city especially during day shift hours. The crazy thing is that a good blue-tooth earpiece is only `$50 if you really must walk and talk.

They needed the homeowners and their kin dead so there would be minimal resistance contesting this most evil of land-grabs by the Luciferian powers that should not be.

The truly sad part is that most people will buy this hook, line, and sinker as real.

Setting up the pre-game for their next pandemic hoax.

NASA has been very Successful at LYINGrnrn

Then there has been for some time now lots of what some people are calling Predictive Programming about September 23 but i see it as this fulfills a rnverse in Daniel about the AntiChrist “he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.” Daniel 11:24rnLike the “forecasting” of September 23 in this video

The WHO actually started the PLANdemic on the Feast of Purim which is a celebration of killing all the enemies of the Jewsrn• Purim in 2020 was on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 and will continue to Wednesday, March 11, 2020. rnrnThe WHO stopped the PLANDEMIC on what’s called in the Bible The 2nd Passover Pesach Sheni or 2nd Passover for Hebrew Year 5783 began on Thursday, 4 May 2023 and ended on Friday, 5 May 2023 .rnrnExactly why they stopped this on the 2nd Passover I’m not sure. so if u got any ideas let me know

India can even answer basic ass tech questions over phone.F this garbage.

They follow $atan

Mr Tim do you still believe fire was natural? And if so explain the planned out events taking place, police blockades, all the fema team on island before fire, water being shut off!,, All houses of stars untouched right next to burned down houses,, list goes on ... I heard you say wasnt dew..didnt I in another video? I am sure I me this fire was well planned as I see..