
Carol Voderman and Megyn Kelly 2 peas in a pod.

Yes yes, remember the Biden Administration said they wanted to use illegals to be police officers and enforce laws against Americans. Can you imagine illegals strapping on a gun and allowing them to follow unconstitutional edicts against the 2nd Amendment and enforcing covid mandates and lockdowns.

Excellent Clip! Normie material.

lol bro I looked her up after watching this....she is getting destroyed by online comments lol

Shows the depth of corruption. That we are feeling with. And what people are willing to do for the dollar! Almost anything! These people offered a seat on the Arc Will in the end be illuminated as well! Useful Iddiots. lol

Many think that these third world invaders will become an insignificant part of the American workforce, taking only the jobs Americans don’t want. The government is a very large employer by design. Guess who will have priority? Minorities, non-citizens and people with unnaturally colored hair and equally unnatural and questionable sexual preference or identity, will be their first choice for all positions, top, bottom and in between. If you and your family are "traditional", you lose on all counts. If you happen to be white, you can multiply the effect of this invasion on your family, now and forever.

Trump also said he wanted 6G, and also had 5G towers restricted from being anywhere near his Mar-a-Lago estate, go figure.

You forgot to mention Rush Limbaugh being Jim Morrison, WHATEVER, they are both dead now. If I’m not mistaken this truther trash, came from Dallas Goldbug, people who push this garbage are either shills or mentally ill, additionally anyone who thinks Megyn Kelly is a truth teller as a familiar professor has recently stated is willfully ignorant.

Joe Biden’s declaration from 2017 and going forward, those of white European heritage will be less than 50% and we shouldn’t impede this process, it’s where we get our strength, and that’s a good thing. Death to all traitors. In case you all have forgotten. TRAITOR’S 2.0

Puppet Shill doing what she gets paid to do, push the jab, step right up get your shots, I feel fine, happy as a kitten.

The eye witnesses might be in peril? They don’t want the truth to come out. Geneside!

Who is going to cry out for justice? All the leader’s are corrupt! Bought and paid for likely Devil Worshipers..

must be long covid

She believes she got Novid. Brain-dead is what she is.

I had a dream few years back of a train loaded with Spanish people going some where. . And then in dream they were all under an over pass lots of people just hangin around.. Wow now look at this! ..strange....

The provided emergency drinking water is likely very heavily fluoridated (more so than usual). It would be interesting to get a sample of the water tested to see if it has anything else in it as well.

It looks like that may well be the case. But what do you make out of the beginning of the video with the smoke (or whatever it is) trail in the sky?

I know. It’s the most important thing in their pathetic lives!

Glad they finally banned Closed & Concealed carry at the same time; separates the children (guardianship) from the Men: nobody should be carrying something they don’t own, while us men Keep & Bear our arms.

yes it is odd watching them gather together to gobble up the propaganda. otherwise intelligent people that watch their money raise kids with morals. they just cant see it.