
Exactly. I’d say just watch your 6 regardless.

No, there is no getting a lawyer, no going to court, none of that bullshit, simply stand your ground with non-compliance. A lawyer’s FIRST duty is to the court, not YOU. When you obtain a lawyer, you are a ward of the court and are deemed incapable of speaking for yourself. We are not "individuals": we are men/women, nothing more, nothing less, and their Acts, Codes, Statutes and Mandates NO NOT APPLY to men/women. STOP eating the shit they throw at us.(Peggy needs an education about the reality of the court system)

30.3, some cannot grasp the Masonic numbers in their face, that’s not to say that the report of foreign workers is not factual, the evidence is everywhere.

Not enough information on this rnshort video to prove definitely that it was an EV battery explosion, if I had to guess, I would say that large red object is not some light metal or plastic car part, but a propane tank of sorts and large and heavy enough to knock out bystander, but again that is speculation as well. 100% evidence is lacking.

look at time and temp.

Just a soap opera. I suppose the same writers that give us the shows on television and Netflix etc... are also writing these scripts. More likely that the want to be writers that can’t cut it in Hollywood are given writing jobs for the hoaxes. That would make sense, because TV writing has gotten extremely intense and they need the experts there. For fake-true stories on the news, the level of believability is kept to a minimum. No expertise required. In fact, here they demand flaws in the story because it activates that cognitive dissonance that is requisite in order that the mind fall deeper into mind control. They can never admit that the television lies to them , nor government because that would mean daddy and mommy can’t be trusted so the mind , lies to itself and grows more fearful also and then you have mask wearing drones.locking themselves in their homes.

We all laughed in the first star wars movie when obi wan got passed the simple minded storm troopers by saying, "these aren’t the drones you’re looking for."

Bullshit. No corpses means no war. Hollywood is excellent at lie.

Peggy Hall from the Healthy American.

Speechless? Tony sad but true is right! Humanity is under attack and in serious terrible. I don’t think we can win this on our own! O only way we win is the Return of our Saviour Yahusha. I believe the prophesies most will not make it! Thrust in your cicle and reep

They definitely must keep these creatures sequestered from human society somehow. I don’t suppose we’ll ever jire-on at a joba and fnd ourselves working next to world famous Robbie Parker of sandy hook fame or some other sell out. We know that the money system is so entirely fraudulent that while we strive away to earn a few imperial credits they simply print their money and send it to their operatives. Plus, all the precious metal mines in the u.s. are owned by non-u.s. corporations and they own all the resources. Black Rock owns would think it would be dangerous to let these traitors out in the street because spies and traitors are allowed to be killed in the "rules" of war . (So stupid that they write rules, what is allowed and what not, in warfare. Obviously if they’re agreeing to rules theyre.all together.) But, they poisoned humans with a.chemical attack...

Truth cannot be too much. War = dead bodies. No corpses means no war.

Also Ukraine used to be Khazar, where the ones doing all of this are from.

You’re absolutely right. She is correct in what she says and might be completely sincere but these demon psychopaths and their bullshit games.And there’s obviously some sorcery.going.on because what mind numbed fool would take vaccine recommendations from Gates, Fauci , masons, Africans, government, . And the stupid hand signs. Maybe not with her but someone.might innocently let their hands fall into the "a-ok" shape, for instance, and I immediately take note .

Non compliance might get us in unnecessary trouble? A louse bandanna might not constrict our air flow too badly if forced to ware a mask? I know around here if you went into a courthouse you had to ware a mask!The need COVID eg5 slash 5g Variemt backwards rn If I should say when they turn it up, I expect by December we may have a hard WHO controlled Lockdown . Hope not but they need an excuse for the mass jab 5g die off?

Most seem to believe COVID is real! And if you don’t comply they might hate you. They need educated. I like to recemend 153 so they can get the truth! We have to win them over. Yeah stupid ignorant people will wear masks so what l don’t care. And I don’t mind wearing a mask makes it harder for facial Don’t wear that contaminated masks! Wear. bcca bandanna or your own mask. We can make or own. Put a slogan on the mask or a good websight on it. Use the mask to advertise.

Not sure if one or two not wearing a mask is going to be enough to wake the masses? Not wearing a mask may just single oneself out and make thyself a target? If people get the word out might be more effective. Than putting oneself on the list of non compliant..

Not sure she he is telling the truth? This might be throw it in your face time. The damage is done half the world is wacked already. Mission Acomplished. .We can thank Mr Warp Speed. And his super fast deployment of the kill shot for that. People got injected before most really had time to think about it. Or hear about the Dangers. That’s what I figured was the need for warp speed. Perhaps my intuition was right?