
A witness is someone who has personal knowledge of events. Ed Chiarini never said that Limbaugh is Jim Morrison. If I add a link here, could very well be the end of 153news

Agreed 100% about Brand. Well said! rnIsn’t he also part of the academy of divine knowledge new age shite too

Likely she’s order of the eastern star (in my view), doing what she’s told (as they all are) so their idolisers follow suit.

For the greater good so we can build back better

I changed my mind about you, it looks like you do have some discernment after all yuk yuk.

pointed out to me by a Canadian, the lamestream Media isnt showing all the prayer rugs left behind before crossing the border.

How’d ya like to wake up to that every morning? no thanks.

Guarantee the real authors are Jewish. Without question. How the fuck people aren’t calling for the heads of everyone involved with this filth, is beyond me.

Great Job! Her delivery and facial expressions were perfect. And we know she’s mocking the shit out of the Communist style "For the greater good" propaganda.

Take a hike yuck yuck

To the lady in the video (not her specifically, but those types whom this actress is portraying): "Put a plastic bag over your head, tie it with some rope, and leave it there until you die: it’s for the greater good."

Anybody who continues to believe that the jabs were experimental is missing the boat. Do you believe for one second that the slave owners would allow an experimental vaccine. This poison was ready and waiting long before this all started. There was no “Warp Speed”.

That video was so waaaaay cool! How caring can a guy "bee"? ......"WOW", just "WOW", you are one awesome dude!!! High five, five times over!!! I have friends that own a bee farm, I can’t wait to share this video with them!!! Thanks for posting that!

But, it keeps them in, ’the news’.

Small fry. Little distractions.

I’m quite sure that I’m not alone in thinking, that that would be Bidens biggest, bloodiest and last mistake he’ll ever make.

I get a nauseous sensation just listening to her. Goosebump creepy. She’s all yours, CJ4570... :-)

I think that, ’gate keeper’, is the wrong word...she’s more like annoying, noise. Now, if you want to see a, ’Gate Keeper’, in acton, then, Russell Brand is your man. Gatekeepers have to be famous...and fall on their swords.

Wow —the Antichrist’s running the PLANdemic. certainly fulfilled this prophecy “Woe unto them that call evil GOOD, and good EVIL; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

Sounds like one of the Stepford Wives.