

Where is the video looking back at earth? The Artemis team is looking forward to looking back at the earth when they go on their trip around the moon. Photos of stars and actual real-time "look back at earth" scenarios are NASA taboo. You’d think they have something to hide. I still maintain that the Artemis II trip, will never happen.

Very true, but the squeaky wheels that rail the loudest against these traitors are the ones that they will eventually come for. ........ I say so be it.

As I posted the other day, 1.2 million US citizen jobs have been lost in the past couple months, replaced by 668,000 immigrant/Ilegal alien jobs. Simply put, this is high treason.

Try get your ph up to 7.3 It has been said disease Connor tribe in an oxygen inviromen t. Teaspoon baking soda in gallon distilled water. Sip throughout the day. I would suggest not with meal will nutrilies need digestive acid in stomachrn This will raise your ph. Pre on test strip first urination in morning to get most accurate reading of ph. Alcalize to energise.

Everyone has an oppinion! To me excess in anything is bad! If you are active and burn off the sugar I don’t see it as bad. The real enemy. Vaccines and Aerosol nanno spraying. The aerosol spraying has smart dust absorbed by all plants and living things. I have heard and sadly believe it is the truth! Things that grow under the ground has been said the best foods to eat. Less Nanno particulates. Tony with his EMP Triangle does a good job explaining this. Watch Fire Medic 8 he does some good interviews with Tony..

Couldn’t have happened to a bigger shill than this sellout

It was 100% fake! The guy stood up and then used his horrible acting skills many seconds later to pretend he was hurt.

This is all planned out by the destroyers

Are you sure this is not an idiot? Not sure if truth or lies? Really it’s all Lies. Someone who can talk for hrs and say nothing. lol. Can’t listen to this guy he is annoying. Blah Blah Blah.

Absolutely. It’s not the order giver that is personally culpable, it’s the order follower. Absent a true moral compass, order followers are scum.

Dopamine rectangle addiction at it’s finest.

These people won’t complain either. They’ve spent their lives being taken advantage of, by their "rulers" Yes Massa, Is’s movin, don’t beat me boss. Not at all like those uncooperative white folk who think Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. What we need is obedient workers.

Thanks Tim. Setting the guys to translate this. Italy must know.

Say it loud, say it clear, brainwashed sheep are bleating here.

Anyone who thinks that this invasion was not logistically planned has rocks for brains. Hormigas Armadas = Army Ants.

I disagree that it’s not this cops fault for following orders, when human lives are at stake cops or military personnel have a moral obligation to save lives first. I was just following orders is no longer a legitimate excuse for allowing people to die.


And this is why wages aren’t growing in America and the cost of living will always go up. They need cheap laborers, to do all the slave work. This is the reason the companies make so much money and most people who work for someone live paycheck to paycheck and can never get ahead.

That looked like a CNG metal tank but certainly not an EV charging station.