
anyone that first-hand bought their factory-made merch and tools is guilty, starting with the CEO’s whose corporations they offshored or rebranded foreign-made wares.

Is this real data or just data smog ? The average American doesn’t want to work menial jobs or jobs that require technical skill sets. Travel around this country and you’ll see for yourself or speak to former or current job developers or recruiters. There is no treason.

This is outright war-crime real holocaust killing. We must stop these people if it takes us the rest of our lives. Expose these evil people!

Have anyone notice how everyone is wearing some expensive rain boots for supposedly poor migrants who have no jobs? rnrnThis has always been the plan for America it all started with the East Indian Trading Company that became the Commonwealth of Virginia. And then toss in all the euro-trash inbreds after the planned world wars. Buckle up Anglo Saxon American/white folks you were born slaves and you never owned anything in this country.

Space invaders

already have a deathcount number established? did Kingdom of Hawaii ever declare peace to the US Navy and the State of Hawaii? if the local water supplies were declared unsaft and for the population to consult to waters controlled by World Kitchen BLAHBLAH, where is the testing to show the foods distributed to the people isnt any worse than the diet already killing them?

this goes to show you, anyone can gosub the Moon(null) and Return(1). Maybe the Departments of Space Force is meant to replace the BLM and County Registrar of Deeds at a district level, so when the sheeple migrate with Trump to sunset him as the criminal Insurrection leading them out of the United States into a new charter so the prior can lay to rest like the Submarine it was designed to be from the Morocan Moors and Chief Justice John Jay. The United States in their respective districts writ in the First Judiciary Act wouldnt mind if the United States did some debt restructuring for itself in that upper-right quadrant of the Spannish Inquisition land of Columbia inlayed upon the former Turtle island.


1 month after, THE DEADLIEST US WILDFIRE, (highlighted in Blue) to keep the brainwashing hypnotic trance going, if the masses still believe that jet fuel ultimately caused the collapse of the Twin Towers, it’s a cinch to make them believe that a wildfire caused all this destruction on Maui. There is no hope left for the majority of humanity.

Let’s start with the cop who was blocking traffic and work our way up: off with their heads. This is murder on such a genocidal scale, yet MSM says nothing, the politicians praise each other, and nothing gets done. What must we as a people do to put a stop to this madness?

yes the moon landing is a gold mine of material for any comedian. where to start? just the occult angle with the astrology. its a ritual and they did pay diligance to that. apollo. saturn ect the black and white freemasonic checkerboard the countdown. all freemasonic ritualistic stuff. like sacrificing a goat. im sure they have a bigger sacrifice in mind for bigger rewards.

yes its taboo to question the hoax moon landing. its physics though and its probably impossible for a least a couple hundred years and with corruption probably never. sad to say. we will die as an entity due to our own vices esp greed. cognitive dissonance is also dooming us. it really seems to be greed though.

if you not believe moon landing you antisemite

As my grandson has learned, you can learn allot from a rabbit, but not just any rabbit.

Agreed with buffy nwo slayer: the psychological operations have begun. The social engineering experiments/mind control/pre seeding the goyims minds are clear to see - they all bow down and listen to the gospel of their TV deity

Someone who’s tech savvy (I can’t produce a video), should do a side by side comparison of the Space X bullshit landings, all celebrating like a pack of laughing, whooping, monkeys and hyenas……and compare the same with the Indian Teams and you’ll see they have the exact same Modus Operandi, same pattern, same celebration as though they know what they have to do/replicate - is anyone able to do a side by side comparison? Just throwing that out there and see an uncanny similarity.

Agreed with Cooper James and Gnight Alice - these people (as well as the immigrants swarming here in the j’uk’ and Europe) is all being done by design, facilitated by agents provocateurs (military intelligence around the world will be meeting with certain leaders/town or city leaders/tribe leaders etc and even becoming the leaders themselves) to rile up the minds of these people, to psychologically manipulate them as they’re trained to do, to not just swarm our lands, our countries but for another malevolent motivation being “The Kalergi Plan” - it’s been going on and actually slowly succeeding……..and it’s going to get so much worse, prepare for the worst and the fall out/cause and effects of what happens when it all goes batshit crazy for everyone = in US/J’U.K/Europe (Sweden a prime example check that out - bombs, Grenada and war zones)……..judgement day looms, prepare and set your path straight before the Lord.


I believe space is fake and definitely gay. Thank you bossman.

filthy sellout no ethics traitor for sheckles. selling out.