
Were it not for all the homes and business of the elites suspiciously left unscathed, this would look just like Hiroshima, if you think not, you need to take a look at some of those images for yourself, this is what they have in store for all of us that don’t see things their way, make no mistake about it. somber music as it should be. If you recall, the surviving residents of Lahaina wanted to take soil samples to have it tested but were prevented from doing so by John Pelletier and his cadre of criminal conspirators.

Tattoos, no tattoos. Something sure ain’t right.

Awesome show. I’ll scout out O’Hare next week. Flying in for a wedding. Fetzer on 911 is classic.

These creatures from Africa are evil.

All callers are actors hired by mayor

we don’t

So many dead. That was just the beginning.

October surprise, Blackoutà, by EMP, or Solar Flare, it’s everywhere in the news and in movies, something big is coming.

It is so obvious he has been replaced. The new guy is easily 10-15 years younger, more like 6’7" than 6’9", different forehead lines, more. But the most obvious change is that all of a sudden he is coherent.

Biden recently approved legal protection for 500,000 immigrants from Central and South America, and I’m sure there will be many Africans Chinese and Cuban’s of military age to throw into the fray as well, many who’s country was bombed to oblivion by America and wouldn’t mind seeing us in an ash heap.


Problem, reaction, solution - Guy at 6:00 offers the "solution" they want- restrict free speech. That’s the purpose of this entire call-in psyop. The powers that shouldn’t be hate people calling in on city agenda stuff, so they staged these racist calls in order to get rid of "problematic speech" I am 100% convinced these people calling in are likely not who people think they are.

Blight on the truth community? Well after mulling it over, I get where you are coming from. Anyway here is the skinny. The real truth, the last layer of the onion, the bottom of the rabbit hole is such an ominous mind ph¥k, that a s#*+ storm of biblical proportions will hit the fan. The evidence is irrefutable. The only thing they can do is pay every shill from here to Timbuktu to conjure up misdirection and dogpile on so that getting to the bottom of it is beyond the reach of the majority who are too busy trying to make a living to even think about the world we live in, let alone investigate or research. But it’s like 911. For 10 years after the event the internet was overwhelmed with false leads, dead ends and outright chicanery that allowed the perpetrators to evade justice. Ultimately the truth emerged or enough of it for everyone who is at least semi conscious to call bs to the official narrative. So it is with Eddie C. Imposters proliferate. They have done such a good job of obscuring the dirty lowdown that navigating the internet is littered with alternative scenarios that indeed have become a blight on the truth community. Case in point is the comment below regurgitating the lie that he ever said rush Limbaugh was Jim Morrison . So I get where you are coming from. If you research this subject, be forewarned that many imposters are afoot. One way to try and separate the wheat from the chaff is to always check for the logo. Copying a logo gets you in court. And even that is still no guarantee that you have the genuine article because they are so desperate to mislead us that they will stop at nothing including copying the logo. Sorry for the ramble. I’m being deliberately vague because I don’t want to quarrel with Matty D. I think you are a good man. Hopefully those familiar with what I’m talking about can put the pieces together. Going forward you are going to hear more from Miles Mathis. He is a plagiarist and stole everything from Eddie C. But for some reason msm loves him, but Eddie did 6 months in jail on a bogus charge. Go figure. Anyhow this is it boys. Shits gonna start rollin heavy from here on out ...nuff said

A little humor goes a long way. It goes to show that it doesn’t matter who is elected to office, only that when they are, they vote a certain way and support a certain group and agenda.

That’s the proper message of salvation for inner city America, not free gun locks or asking gang members not to shoot each other before 9PM. Unfortunately, common sense will not save the day anytime soon.

Whelp.....the invasion of the US is next. The sleeper cells will be called to take action.

Good video, don’t think the MSM will ever tell the truth, at least not until the mobs seeking vengeance begin to hunt them down.

Excellent upload brother!


As always OMG ,a sane balanced take on the madhouse that we now sadly inhabit. An asylum I have absolutely NO desire to live on in . That this IS the one world 666 satanic sh-t show prophesied eons ago ,is quite frankly beyond dispute. Actually, you will find that most of these scrawny hybrid fashion scarecrows ARE filthy trannies. As well as the feminazi dominated media -including the lying script reading Met Office vermin . I count myself extremely fortunate to have lived and experienced an era when we had MALE and FEMALE , MASCULINE and FEMININE , and NOT these vile androginous baphomet worshiping hybrids. I visited my old haunt recently and clearly witnessed the erection of massive permanent electronic barriers ,alongside the closure of ALL small shops and businesses ,ground level and the vacation of all rooms /accommodation ( Cells)above ,for the arrival of the slave labour ( those who survive the cull ,that is ) Please watch that mini masterpiece Beyond The Reset. It truly sums up the direction we are heading. Also take time to listen to a song from 69 , when music was actually pleasant to listen to. AND actually had something to say .THIS particular song we are now living. In The Year 25 25 by Zager and Evans. Especially the version linked to the 1924 film Metropolis .Screw You Tube thankfully still has it up. For some reason I`m unable to post comments on the "new" You Tube - BitChute hence this thank you via this marvellous site for all your sterling efforts and encouraging output. Best wishes pal , and please ,MORE walk`n`talks THANKS