
The bodybuilder story was scary

Doesn’t matter if she lying or telling the truth. There is a reason this script was written. Maybe they are going to start revealing all or some of the medical problems the jab created in order to scare people and cause a panic. They’ve made their money on the junk by now and whatever other consequences are part of the plan. In other words enough of the world population has got the shot. This could be the beginning of the next phase.

Dr. Fauci is a made up character played by MEL BROOKS okay simple as that Actor Based Reality fakery

Wearing a mask, just like voting, is a ritual of consent. STOP consenting. Be the man/woman you ARE, not the PERSON they want you to be.

Thanks Matty Back in the early 60’s i was on one of these type of ships i was just a kid To be in the forward compartment u had to have a Top Secret Clearance the designation was AGTR , Like the Liberty, we only had a 50 cal gun for protection. I used to call it a Nerd ship it was an intelligence gathering ship listening in on ALL communications from whatever area they were assigned to When the Jews, in cooperation with the USA government tried to sink it I started to wake up Even so it took awhile- Waking Up Is Hard to DO! I was totally INDOCTRINATED as are most people raised on TV AND public schools—religious schools are even worse !! For several years after i became a Christian i would occasionally bring up the Liberty incident at ‘fellowship’ gatherings and people would look at me like a cow looking at a new fence. That probably is the main reason i can not go to any of these BRAINWASHED EVANGELICAL churches anymore ! The Captain got the Medal of Honor for defending his ship but in a warehouse in Norfolk and NOT at the Whitehouse like other living recipients. WHY? Somebody might wake up and ask the wrong question! The Liberty survivor’s are mad as hell but even some of them just don’t understand how F- ing EVIL their government and Israel is.

If we don’t wear the masks we win? How did it work out last time#? $100 fine? I’d you don’t wear a mask you see conflating your self out as a target? Wear a bandanna should still be able to breath. Don’t wear one of their free masks they are full of nanno!!

The Devil has come down With Great Wrath for he knows his time is Short!!

Yes sir, and anyone who applies some critical thinking to their particular case, will be able to identify circumstances or issues where their "doctor" should have known better, and could have suggested an alternative treatment for a malady, but chose to follow the path prescribed for them to follow, by big medicine and big pharma. I know it’s a hard choice because of all the lifelong brainwashing that people have endured, "Marcus Welby", Ben Casey etc., etc., and scores of other medical brainwashing TV shows and movies over the decades. If you don’t take thinking for yourselves into your own hands, you’ve put your destiny in the hands of fools. When common sense tells you that people have survived thousands of years relying on their natural immune system and natural foods, then along comes people who tell you to ignore all that, mostly within the last one-hundred years, it should make you very, very suspicious. for the benefit of anyone reading this, consider the world as it is today and ask yourself, Are the people running this show, intelligent caring people, promoting the best interests of myself and my family? You’ll have your answer. When you figure that out, what are you going to do about it?

Got that right. A allopathic (Rockefeller Medical schooled) doctor’s only concern is his income. Period.

who knows if these idiots even took the trump juice they get paid to push the shots

It is worth sharing. The body builder is a lesson in itself. Never let what other people "think" take precedence over your subconscious. People under a doctor’s care in the U.S., should do some deep thinking.

I had to wait till I stop laughing to type this...Great comment. People who don’t understand are probably asking ..."why are these guys focusing on the messenger in this particular case" In this case, if you don’t know, lucky you!. Thanks for the comment.

Great video. The brainwashing is unbelievable.

Justice for all!!

Get out of Florida. Now!#

Nicole Brown simpson wakeup!

A witness is someone who has personal knowledge of events. Ed Chiarini never said that Limbaugh is Jim Morrison. If I add a link here, could very well be the end of 153news

Agreed 100% about Brand. Well said! rnIsn’t he also part of the academy of divine knowledge new age shite too

Likely she’s order of the eastern star (in my view), doing what she’s told (as they all are) so their idolisers follow suit.

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