
Most of us here will not believe any such message that appears on our phones. Unfortunately, the bulk of people will believe it.

They even sound like they are reading from a script. Definitely actors. They ideally want people to beg for the New World Order satanic agenda instead of forcing it upon them.

You can use CBD oil soaks weekly to try to remove any environmental or unknown sources of graphene from your body.

That is so real—but i think i am losing the fight well, at least so far

I feel for these folks. Hopefully she woke up after that short death. I’ve been there. It worked for me. Turned blue and I see it all now.

Watch the video with an open mind. The video was filmed by Investigative journalist Anthony Aguero as stated, not the border patrol. He was motivated enough to spread this information. A good effort to let people know what’s going on at the border.

Yes, a once in a million-year confluence of pure coincidence. There’s no other reasonable explanation.

Perhaps 10 years or so. rn

All part of Agenda 2030/2050

It’s not logical to blame the people sitting by the fence. If we were in their shoes, we most likely would take the offer put forward by the real guilty parties, the scumbags highlighted at the end of this video.

ha ha yah jus gotta have a sense of humor to take in the show without going crazy i luv those comedians from the Catskills

“No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them.rnNobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free.” -Assata Shakurrn

Good one, how old is this video ?

Trump said some time back that a storm was coming, no! a shit storm is coming.

And then you have an abomination it can be identified. When you have a hodge podge of shit you can see dancing nurses and just think, they’re just acting like the voodoos and there’s millions of voodoos so it’s normal. No. It isnt. Yeah, this cult HATED the Indians. They had it down. Roaming here and there. No fences. Out in the open air. Washington, that faggot, married to a tranny, called them savages and yet used the Iroquois five nations as a basis for this government. Fucking freemason, Jesuit, Zionist, voodoo, homosexual sellouts. What parasitic evil shit creatures.

Wow, you’re really smart. And what a wonderful tone. You are a prime example of what is wrong with the world.

It’s hard to know where human nature ends and human conditioning begins. All the faults I ever blamed on my father were all things society created in him. This society is so far from anything that could ever stimulate the best in human nature.

And as a reward for it’s part in burning down Lahaina the nigger from the air force is approved as head of the joint chiefs of staff. And people of color so-called, think that the nigger’s are on their side. And Dwayne Johnson, sell-out tranny fucker.

So the interview must be a border patrol, right. Coordinating transportation. Boy, humans are fucked. They’ve been stifling out freedom, creativity, and thinking for centuries and now watch as we all become fullfeldged nigger’s. Yay. Thanks to the abortion whores and homosexuals that did their part in destroying humanity.

And who transported them there. And is it just a coincidence that the nigger’s are taking over everything and they’re putting two nigger’s as the top u..s. military posts. And gangs of nigger’s roaming the streets punching humans females in the face and the cops, being freemasons and therefore fullfeldged nigger’s themselves are nowhere to be found and the nigger’s allowed to steal from stores and burning down Lahaina YES, THATS THE NIGGERS TOO... And that nigger shit they pass off as music is played everywhere. Even in countries that don’t have nigger’s okay that nigger music with Russian lyrics or whatever and what a world of lies and deception when the nigger’s take complete control. They’ve always run freemasonry, Zionism, Jesuits, Catholics, only now they don’t hide it. Look at the nigger in the picture with Washington and it’s tranny wife doing the hidden hand line Napoleon and all the Jesuit faggots. All the founding fathers were masons married to trannies.