

This video is from 2006 -

Here’s hoping Travis actually does get two shots at once. Let’s hope Travis ends up like Franco Harris and Bill Russell, who both pushed the FrankenVaxx and ended up 6 feet under.


the track i mentioned total confusion -

read what you said, always appreciated, thankyou.

yet the masses cant see most of it, whatever they are told they swallow

no ones flower ) - appreciated, glad you appreciate my walk and talk.

HI JASON, HOPE YOUR WELL, ye i did have issues uploading it, thanks a lot for sorting it out. appreciated greatly.

And another sellout shows his allegiance.

There it is, right there: "To never tell you the truth."

I’ll take 2 lumps please.

My next car will be cobalt blue

Build Back Better, requires total destruction! It’s going to get worse, as cost of living skyrockets and makes it impossible for middle class to live normal and productive lives

That’s the truth

They just didn’t kill off enough people or quick enough. FAT KIKE

Disclaimer: This is only recommended for people who have difficultly perceiving reality.

When trying to awaken someone, think back to your own awakening. It requires a great deal of patience and drip-feeding of the truth. Give them just a little, let them think about it, and then come back to you with questions when they are ready for more. Today, I only put forth the effort to awaken someone if they show me a small spark of some kind from which I can work.

Revelation 9:6 KJV: "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."