
i can actually hear the experience of these 2 characters now. thx for the interview, it reminds me of the Hellboy 2019 ambience as to why Christ will be waffle stomping all these bad seeds and buggers.

7000 dollars for a fog machine?

The last video I watched there was from 7 months ago titled, A quick message and update, there hasn’t been a more recent video there that I’m aware of ???

Very well done & so true.

I’m surprised they aren’t actually pushing the Triple Vax yet by adding the RSV vaccine as well. Maybe they just want to get the masses used to the double first before making it a Triple.

That’s Zack Bauer. Checkout his other channel New2Torah. Good stuff

This is not at all what I was expecting, but very funny and very true.

I watch a YouTube prepper channel called the American Homestead and the the creator Zack wears a Tshirt that says STUPID SHOULD HURT.

dude Travis, wtf ur hallucinating in a doctors office dreams without Pepto Bismol and it has gotten as bad as taking two vaxes. what ur smokin?

Sooooooooo true!!!rn

Yes it’s flat!! And we’re definitely not monkeys. Love the video, love the channel.

Don’t forget this governor is Jewish. Probably the most important fact.

What exactly are you talking about? rn11 Yahuḏah has acted treacherously, and an abomination has been done in Yisra’ĕl and in Yerushalayim, for Yahuḏah has profaned what is qodesh to YHWH – which He had loved – and has married the daughter of a foreign mighty one. Malachi 2:11rnrnThis is simply talking about the 2 houses of Israel as they are going into and coming out of captivity. They didn’t obey the laws, statutes, and commandments of YHWH aka God and they were all sent to captivity. There is zero mystery to this verse. Perhaps you are confusing another verse or something?

Malachi 2:11 is the nexus ur fumbling, confusing jews with shapeshifting reptilians living among them to influence anyone is a horrendous mistake. even Google fails to explain that verse.

He sure knew what was up .

Spot on ! There are some truly talented people in the truth community .

They keep sending BILLIONS to other countries while turning a blind eye on these human beings.

GOD that was so hard to watch. What about all these folks on the streets, what is being done for them to find help with their addictions and homelessness?

Great comment. I suppose other content creators are like me and at times wonder, does it really make a difference? When it apparently does sometimes, it makes it all seem worthwhile.

Please read The Poisoned Needle.