
Great advice...drip feed

Creating division and pressure is a big part of their operation, glad you were able to stay true to your values. I used to live in Utah and always liked it, hope things are going well there.

He runs a YouTube Channel titled The American Homestead and wears a shirt that states Stupid Should Hurt.

It tore up my family and destroyed my relationships with my brother and sister. It displaced me from the Boston area, where I lived for over 60 years, and I ended fleeing the state for freedom and ended up in St. George Utah.

the amount of 5G cellular and social network service used by these thugs, would saturate the premises with millimetrewave radiation; why not replace the fog with pepper spray or graphine oxide and call it a day?

Who is Zack Bauer?

Oh, it’s the spontaneous real deal alright, no doubt about it. I know one of these two people personally.

If this was off the cuff, then it is hilarious.

A brave man, everyone starts squirming as soon as the "J" word comes up. I think they would have listened longer by indentifying each one of them Dual Israel/US Citizens and at the end inform them of what they all have in common. I really think their brains shut down quickly after the first sentence.

They can whine that he’s out of order all they want, but that doesnt make it so. Why are so many okay with living their lives believing that they’re not allowed to even mention one certain group of people, like that is completely normal, to just be told not to say anything really about Jews? There is no justification for this notion, and if Jews dont like anyone talking about any of their documented history, too bad. I would have some kind of mercy on the ones living today, maybe, if they genuinely made an effort to separate themselves from their ancestors, but there has yet to even be a mention of something like that. They dont want to change their reputation. They would rather hide it, instead, no matter how stupid they make themselves look in the process. END JUDAISM

I was thinking the same thing regarding his phone.


maybe he awakened a few with that speech

Yes, it’s quite clear who the enemy of the people are.

In Sacramento, CA, his microphone would have been cut off after the first few words.

I just finished translating your vid of the woman who survived the death trap in lahaina. And today another one. Keep em coming tim, we will keep informing italy of what happens in the world.

I lived in downtown Chicago in the late 90’s early 2000’s. Printer’s Row area. Totally different now. RFK JR will be shut down. sad. Only dem I ever agreed with

Sounds like the fog machine is doing the looting!

And not a single one of the "elected" representatives clapped: they were most likely bored. Time to dump the lot of them..

Pilice chief is the same of las vegas hoax!?!?!?!?!!?