

My GOD !!! the world has gone insane . The fact that we even bother to dialogue with these degenerates is way beyond my comprehension. Christ`s advice to not cast your pearl before swine is SO relevant in dealing with minds that are completely reprobate As for the hybrid creatures that masquerade as women these days ,makes me SO glad I lived in the era of the 50`s /60`s

Can’t say enough good about this guy. Even the little tyke in Kindergarten Cop got it right when he said "Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina."

If my guess is right, Cow Nostrils are the best part. mmmm!

Those are some serious lumps.

And what’s the bloody point? And Donald Trump was president in 2020 and his children are all married to dual citizens Jews. And what about the Mormons,Jesuit and Evangelical who are duel citizens of Israel ? Welcome to the new world order of Satan….. they’re all the same.

Get educated. Read everything in this folder, then come back and tell me you still believe in germs. If you’re back to me in less than a week, I’ll know you ignored it all, like a typical sheep. Baa baa.

Fucking hilarious ? So here is my 1cent addition. When angry white men in America wake the HELL UP and realize that they have always been slaves in this nation and that all the founding fathers were Freemasons or Zionist or what ever word you want to call them. rnMany years ago I impersonated a good ole white boy from Dunbar,WV on the Stormfront website and in my 8 year research no one questioned my authenticity or that Stormfront was created by a Zionist and funded by Mossad. Whom Israel is funded by the American government which is everyday citizens. In closing an ole Icelandic dear friend of mine once said to me, “ All Americans suffer from an Identity crisis from two centuries of mind raping “ one day they’ll all realize that there is only the human race and one God. And everything else is dog shit.

Fatty believes in the myth of climate change, and cheeseburgers. Both, to her own demise.

I knew very well what a female was as a young man, and a good number of people are grateful that I did. :-) Edited: Although, it can be a long hard road to understand what a woman is, if you figure that out, let me know.

For those with ears to hear, and the good sense to contemplate this information is about all one needs to know. A person, upon hearing this, and subsequently ridding himself of any political correctness he/she may have had prior to 2020, can only then begin their journey to salvation.

Yep because germs don’t exist now do they? Every lab in the world working on germs has been lying to us.

Not one bad word in the whole presentation, what are these people worried about the truth? I love your videos

Disease is not a thing: dis-ease is a condition. Contagion is a myth. Name the Jew.

Actually, we ARE the true heroes, as we staunchly defend and stand in truth.

Why not 16,739 likes?

We are not heroes, but we are... necessary.

Please send this video out to everyone you know. In about 5 minutes, he very concisely hits all the major points exposing the Luciferian agenda of the powers that should not be.

Great advice...drip feed

Creating division and pressure is a big part of their operation, glad you were able to stay true to your values. I used to live in Utah and always liked it, hope things are going well there.