
There is a detailed (and disturbing) article about this by Arkmedic@substack, published October first, titled 5 ways to skin a (genetically modified) cat. It goes into the how, what, why and where. Well worth a read.

More ridiculous public shenanigans like this. Keep em coming.

Fetzer wants to school Nugent on fake shootings.He needs schooled on the neither party matters.

Nugent was not wrong on some of the shootings.He was wrong on 100%They were all gun grab fakes

The masses have been so dumbed down that these Satanists could almost release the T-shirts a day before the fake mass shooting, and the masses would still believe the staged event was real.

Some point it would be nice to see the players show some outrage. Like right on the spot on live TV, have a sign or a plan or something ready. How many more team mates falling down doing the funky chicken is it gonna take?

Haha, yeah climate change is the greatest killing machine of all time!

I heard from some other videos that the DNA was contamination from the production process but I’m not sure, I’ll try and dig out the old videos

i saw him awhile back, ty for posting this...and whatever you not share this around, don’t do it

i always look with s skeptical mindset to amounts raised but sure there are enough idiots that buy into this crap gofraudme

and they are just getting started to the real censorship

i could not believe the shit on the stairs

Out of any group in the world, these people are the great story tellers and players of victimhood of all time.

By Natural Selection, they are slowing bankrupting the liberal idiots who buy this shit. If you donate to any STRONG event, you are a dumbass.

Yes, this is my city. It’s all fucked up. Homeless people on almost every block. I saw a video of one guy having sex (doggy style) on the subway steps during the height of rush hour. He literally was banging the girl and not having a care in the world who was watching.

exactly my next question...what is the dna fromrnrnty for posting this...i will follow yourn

Welcome aboard we need as many like minds as we can get. Cheers.

Fair enough thanks.

Yes I don’t believe in the virus

I’m just settling in to the site, I wasn’t sure what video to post so I just posted one of my recent videos from elsewhere. I think its important to document all these incidents with Sports people collapsing (we all know why) rnAlso the Supplement is more to help people with Shedding from the Jabs (which I believe) and may help family who got duped into taking the jabs.. I actually believe different batches contained different stuff, some nano tech, some mRNA and some Saline. Thanks for watching