
looking foreward to the final police report. Shots fired? Distance of ea kill? Type of slugs used? Number of head shots? Mags carried?? Backup weapons? Motive? How targets were selected and why? In the age of CCTV at every front door , how does someone ’’escape’’ from a ’’Mass’’ shooting these days??

’’weapons malfunction’’? and you did not smash the clown?? Really??

Charlie Chaplin had access to better camera gear in 1915 than this PP rubbish. What MP’s is this kit? ).003???

The way this world is seeing things, very soon Kambrook will be sending a teapot there with 2 old ladies. Like a baby in a cot millions will goo goo gaa gaa that to. If Newton’s laws cannot function in space what will?

if the moon is ’’giving’’ off its own light then how do you explain the lunar phases? How can an object select full, half, qtr and zero light emissions? Is there a dude up there on a switchboard?

Hey brother...I never put any of that stuff in place. The short answer is yes we could figure all of that put but we have never done that because I value peoples privacy. So there are definitely people in these stats that probably watch certain things more than once.

The power is to the people around here, so welcome. I was watching your game prediction video yesterday. Have you ever been able to successfully predict games before using code?

I’m down to eggs from my own chickens, grass finished beef and liver from a local farmer, sardines, very few veggies from our garden and my own well water that I distill. I won’t touch anything else.

If you like funny audits.................check out TOO APREE.

Thank you sir for letting me on here and allowing us to spread truth

Dirty Knees 33 lol


They do use various animal cells and sometimes human fetal cells in the vaccines so there is that source of DNA too.

Absolutely disgusting.

Thank you for all that you do in the Captain’s chair, bossman.

It was likely a combination of losing his mind and feeling repentant for his participation in evil Luciferian societies. He was likely declared too dangerous to continue existing by the Luciferian societies he served so they gave him his "reward for service". Perhaps his soul was saved in the end; perhaps not, as most Luciferian society members blaspheme the Ruach Ha’kodesh by willfully and in full knowledge make a conscious choice and commitment to serving Satan within the various Luciferian secret societies.

Can someone identify the language being spoken in the death pit scene? And how do we know this took place in Gaza? This also reminded me of NZ, but the men are being marched right up to the pit and shoved in. As for no blood, it looks like the soldiers are giving each one a single, clean shot. This is obscured, however, by the blurry quality of the footage, which itself may be a problem. According to Max, they set the bodies in the pit on fire. Did he see this in the video, or did he hear about it from someone? Is this scene what it purports to be?

[sarcasm-on] Everything will get better if we all just vote. I’m sure everything will get much better when the next group of Zionist Jew-controlled politicians take office.

Most cops are just like the rest of the sheeple. They do whatever they are told to do, and they believe whatever they are told to believe. Of course, they can be more dangerous when they let their little bit of power overtake them.

One of the questions when I first saw this, is where is all the blood? and the more I watched it it reminded me of Christ Church, just saying.