
Thanks MattyD !

WHO ARE YOU ???????????????????????

Still pretending to know it all sh!tcoin pusher ? ?

Yes I saw someone from YT post it an question it, and then 2017 portrayed Trump as King of the world, devious no matter what.

YES, they want us all to be armed with stones to throw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MAN !!! 153 , PLEASE sort out your ridiculously sensitive comments section. NOT the first time that things have seemingly posted themselves. ESPECIALLY when one is questioning some thing -at first sight- SO horrendous . to then have one`s thoughts abruptly brought to a premature conclusion. ( I daren`t type certain keys for fear of it happening again ) SO , as I was saying , and as we in the "truth" community would and should expect , an impartial ( if that is now even remotely possible ) with the horrors we are witnessing on a daily basis . And as I don`t trust Igan since the New Zealand "shooting " hoax . OR indeed since his "miraculous" escape from "down under". ALL I ask is the SAME analysis of this atrocity, as we would any other. In fact ,as I type this ,I can almost hear ( and rightly so ) from fellow truthers "Where`s the blood ?" And yes I readily admit to being pro Jew NOT !, in any shape or form their increasing neo nazi regime and COVENment. EVIL is EVIL ,and The Almighty is NO respecter of persons OR "chosen" people . History of this nation has conclusively proven that and NO I`m not referring to the Holohoax . Something I can no longer buy (courtesy of the marvellous truther community ). So whilst I could not bring myself to watch in its entirety - it`s simply far too harrowing . I would simply question the following, 1 AK 47s are not regular issue , indeed they now posses their own indigenous weapon ,the Tavor . 2 uniforms of the executioners are certainly not regular army issue. and 3 their language sounds more Arabic than Israeli -Hebrew. OK ,I realise this is a long one ,and at a guestimate ,not a popular one, However as one Roman governor said to a certain JEWISH Guy ,the same Jewish Guy who`s coming back fairly soon I`d say , to bring the final curtain down ..What I have written ,I have written. End of Please feel free to let rip.

Thank you, JB & Co!

Not to minimise ANY of the Babi Yar type executions, BUT ,correct me if I`m wrong . And I`m no linguist ,but again, the language does not sound like Hebrew to me. NOR do the weapons AK 47s

Is this the model to be used on the rest of us?

NoThe man with more testosterone is the one who will be associated with the so-called ’gun nut’. So sophomoric.

Are there real or genuine Jews as the Bible makes reference to those that call themselves Jews in Revelation 3:9 ?Behold I will make them of the SYNAGOGUE of Satan which say they are Jews and are not but do lie. Behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Shame on all those Arab countries surrounding this area. They could stop this if they wanted to. All they do is give lip service. This was all planned. Check out the Economist Magazine cover, December22, 2012. YouTube banned me from commenting when I mentioned it.

Sorry - I should have said thank you for posting... :)

It has to be a false flag. There’s no way Israel would be caught out like this if it was a real attack. By real, I mean a proper attack by real Palestinian militants (not some paid for stooges) Even Israelis are asking how this could possibly happen, and of course the media barely touch the subject. For me this was planned and executed entirely by Israel or Israeli assets. They had the means, the motive and the opportunity. The ’Hamas’ footage doesn’t really show anything that couldn’t be acted out. We’ve all seen ’dead bodies’ in movies that look real. Then you really have to ask questions about how they made the regular shaped gap in the fence and the perfectly handy mansize gap in the wall without Israeli security seeing a thing. It’s just looks all wrong. Netanyahu says they will look into the security breach later, but we all know what that means, and for the meantime they hope that by banging on about fake atrocities it will grant them a free pass to do WTF they like. I don’t know for sure of course but I really wonder if anyone was killed or taken hostage at all, but I certainly believe Israel planned the whole thing in order to clear out Gaza. There’s no stopping them now and the US/UK/EU are all cheering them on - not the public of course, the corrupt fuckers pulling the strings. Check out Keir Starmer now, leader of the fucking LABOUR party in the UK, blatantly condoning Israeli war crimes and saying they should be allowed to continue. He’s clearly bought and paid for, just like Blair was. The Labour Party is over in the UK, has been for years (apart from when Corbyn upset the applecart. No surprise he was tarred with the anti-semitism brush and cheated out of the PM’s job) They all know what’s really going on and they just let it happen. Vile. Utterly vile fucking monsters. I don’t know what else to say.

In some of them they start to have a conscious and some would believe they are truthers because they seem to be revealing truths about the secret societies they served, and they are quickly removed for violating their oath of secrecy. Stanley Kubrick Paul Walker and Prince are several examples.

The other drug you were trying to remember the name of is ivermectin, and that drug killed my mother. I don’t trust any of those drugs. There is no such thing as covid. It’s the same old flu that people have been getting for thousands of years. Hydroxychloriquin and ivermectin are antiparasitic anyways, so how’s that supposed to help with a "virus"?

I can on a small scale , compared to their true suffering , relate . Prayers for them all and may their strength and our mutual hatred spread to the entire world .

You can go on Jewtube, put in bad cops and sit there for the next 72 hours and not even be through half of them. Violating rights, excessive use of force, planting drugs, arresting innocent people, shooting unarmed people, some in the back, shooting dogs, performing the PIT on pregnant women driving 45 mph with 4 ways flashing looking for a save place to pull over and on and on. After 911 our police have been trained by Israeli IDF under the guise of fighting terrorism and the cops today are too stupid to realize that they are being used by the Jews just like our military. Yes they will absolutely kick in doors at 3am to confiscate firearms if told to do so.

Vax death and usual assholes pushibg ANY other excuse to hide it.

He was vaccinated, and bragged about it. You should see the T-shirts he was selling online. They said something like vaccinated as I Can be. Toll paid. These people help pushing the jab on all of this. She need to be held accountable. Love the channel.