
Is Jeff a gate-keeper? He’s, full on, pushing new-age stuff, these days...and he keeps promoting Max Igan and David Icke. That can’t be naiveté.

Couldn’t even listen to the whole clip. He’s, obviously, a crypto...or a fully initiated freemason. And even as I wrote that, I wonder if there is any difference?

I don’t know if the severe rain that has been directed at east and north-east Scotland has been reported anywhere - but, it has wiped out the main-crop potato harvest. The fields are under water and the potatoes have rotted in the mud. Brechin and Forfar, also, produce the seed crop for most of Europe (and maybe beyond - I don’t know). So...there will be a potato shortage in the UK, for sure...and, probably, further afield.

The guy is nothing but a shill and a fake wanna be preacher like John Hagee Jimmy Swaggert and a long list of others, as Trump has said we need to love Israel more, RIGHT? He also has the lightning bolt between G&B in his logo.


SO look forward to your walk-n-talks OMG Regardless of how many are "officially "logged. They are are a tonic and inspiration to those of us - and like yourself - who find it almost impossible to find people of like mind. I certainly identified with you becoming a cropper ,courtesy of the sprayed freeze down chemicals ( surfactants /soap) in the filthy grey brown ,sun blocking "cloud". Creating the slimy muddy conditions underfoot . Can`t help but notice the damage to the environment in your neck of the woods also. Whilst I admire your desire to bullhorn the NO Health "Service" and their minions, Peeing into the wind springs to mind. So these Covenment Kapos are now charging 17 quid a death shot . And the Lemmings no doubt will fork out for the privilege . Although, thankfully, apart from the rare sight of a face nappy .There doesn`t seem to be much uptake. by the natives, and whilst I find it a chore ,I do attend a local bite and blether, in the off chance of reaching some . Please don`t give up entirely on your inspiring efforts, and resistance to this unfolding Orwellian nightmare . You mention turbo cancer and heart attacks, and the nonsense and futility of finding a "cure" .Now they`re pushing and installing defibs everywhere, and one can`t help but notice the physical wrecks shuffling around on sticks. -Tragic beyond words pal . Having lost FIVE friends and family to the cull- my brother a few months back - convinces me to just keep on keeping on , and recharging on sites such as yours. So please don`t consider the "footfall" or lack thereof, - in one respect it`s totally irrelevant. Finally, and just as a matter of interest what on earth is that ginormous --GWEN tower ??- in the background. Reminds me of that supremely relevant movie CELL . Well worth a watch . Well, until your next foray forth, with your mutt, ( what`s his name by the way ? ) Very best wishes and heart felt thanks mate.

I see there is an article today in the New York Times about a flood of photos and videos on the web supposedly depicting victims in Gaza, but actually from other times and places, although the NYT itself is nothing but disinformation. The NYT is behind a paywall, not that one needs to read the article. The death pit video is not one of those cited.

i read somewhere he wanted to expose the hollywood satanic pedophiles too, so maybe they thought this was a good time to get rid of him so the alternative media can blame it on the vax

i downloaded a lot of bits about Perrys death, just aint had time put it together great stuff on this one, better with the friends backing track, but to be honest i detested the show, i have never seen one of them, the humour isnt my kind. i lough more at myself that these bunch of idiots, and hes certainly proven to be, and Jenifer Elliston, jab pusher.

thumbs up no matter what, always interesting talks.

hi there Bodger52, i can honestly say i have never been a fan of football, cant do with it, it always felt meaningless to me, all the hype for a bunch of guys kicking round a ball if inflated leather. like with most people these days, your death is just put down to back luck or age, we are being systematically murdered by many ways, i mention a lot of this in the new walk and talk i have uploaded, i used to love this song, its very catchy, and from one of uk’s greatest bands.

Sad ,yet SO common these days. GEE I wonder what it could possibly be

Yeah, we can make an educated guess as to the cause of his death . But sadly ,at his age it would just be put down to age and natural causes. Your vid OMG sure brought back happier times, when footie wasn`t spoilt by all the VASTLY overpaid Prima Donna’s . One of the reasons I lost all interest in the game. Certainly a loss of one of the greats, that`s for sure

We all know who rules the world and it sure ain’t the useless UN lol

To be very honest, only pagans and people with hate go to war. God is very clear about shooting and killing others. enough said.

Calling these plods Is Rail or Dhu’s is a stretch, like an impossible one. Best to read the Bible again folks. God destroyed Israel and the Jews because they had become more pagan than Babylon and Egypt

You should know the only disease states are poor diets, self abuse or malnutrition, there’s nothing else unless murder is involved?

I hear the Gestapo just arrested and locked this man up on trumped up charges all the way from Mexico??

$250,000 for a funeral? Sponged off ’’Quids for Squids’’?? nice

what sort of camera kit is this? My 1997 Coolpics shooter is clearer lol