
The advice about firearm training comes a little late for me.............oh well.

Yes they are. Pure clown make up. Pure BS.

When it’s hearsay, prob throw a smile when you don’t know those caught in horror. When you were there, you are scared shitless. Something horrific never brings laughter or looks of joy. Nor an interview talking like your describing a movie. Ask anyone who has truly been thought it. Esp those in combat. These eff’ers sold their soul.

I’m not an expert on sign language, but it certainly does look that way.

If you watch the eyes, you can always see them going back to the script/prompt. Some are better at hiding it than others, but the eyes always betray the script/prompt reader in the end.

I love the counter-mockery. Mocking the mockers.

I wonder who their supplier of "realistic dummies" is.

Does anyone know someone that knows sign language? It sure looks like that lady is full of shit mocking us. He says prepare in the beginning and at the end and she doesn’t do the same sign?

Rigamortis just set in early on this guy.

A dead person’s arm would fall to the ground. Sadly, there are many stupid people believe it because it was in the news.

Thanks Jews.

Great video, I hope more people can see what is really going on in this world

the sandy hook actors will always be the best; robbie parker, the obnoxious jew guy, and the coroner are classics.

We’ve moved beyond fake shootings/’terrorist’ attacks - which appear to be distractions (among other layers of the evil onion), at this point. As, Lark in Texas said, ’They are playing for all the marbles’. We are like flies caught in a spider’s web. Every exit is barred. If you do not conform, your neighbourhood will be reduced to rubble or ash. How do we get out of this?

I agree.

I see the humor in it. They are so uptight and on the edge if you drop a book they will scatter like this. Nobody ever said they had any sense.

The only good one is a dead one.

The Nuge wouldn’t be so bad if he talked about gun control not stopping mass shootings and leave it there, but to name the big hoaxes and he studied them all, rate of fire, perps and victims movements, etc......WHY? Is that what he was told to say? Steven Seagal is a joke, but he is the only "mainstream" celebrity that I could find that came out and said that he thinks these "mass shootings" are being orchestrated.

The lady doing sign language always has a horrible look on her face, can you not do sign language while smiling. Thank you for the video, love the channel.

I’m with you, screw the president, Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex when he was leaving office, and did nothing about it and we are dealing with the repercussions now. He was nothing more than a Muppet, just like the rest of them.