
The lady doing sign language always has a horrible look on her face, can you not do sign language while smiling. Thank you for the video, love the channel.

I’m with you, screw the president, Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex when he was leaving office, and did nothing about it and we are dealing with the repercussions now. He was nothing more than a Muppet, just like the rest of them.

I know better than a lot of ppl about how everyone grieves differently and that just because you see someone smiling doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re being deceptive, but damn... some of those ppl just look like the worst actors, especially Robby Parker. You actually see him "get into character" before he starts speaking. It’s just so unreal.

The women at like the 8:58 mark the b movie injuries to her face are laughable.

I have known about much of this that’s why we are in deep squat, sounds like what takes place in a Communist Dictatorship, any questions? I say screw the President who or whatever it might be.

Like Lahaina Acapulco has been a jewel of tourism known around the world since the 1930’s

See Jeff Berwick’s explanation at the beginning of Gary Kings inconvenient truth recently posted here. Jeff AKA Dollar Vigilante was quiet about what he thought it was which he said he would explain in another video. Weather Warfare IMO.

Also as Dollar Vigilante explained, hurricanes are accompanied by rain, and there was no rain with this weather event, and no early warning from the fake stream media who are the most brilliant meteorologist minds on the planet and can predict these events months in advance.

Black people are emotional as fuck.They flip out over a fast food order mistake ,cry big time at real funerals , cry at awards shows and then we have this fakery.

When a storm just before landfall goes from a category 1 to a category 5 in twelve hours and the media has a week long blackout on the devastation, those would be just two factors that would lead any sensible person to the obvious conclusion. The evidence that it wasn’t Geoengineered? I’m open..

The evidence that it was geoengineered? I’m open..

No honor among thieves, liars and degenerates. Nothing surprising here.

So these people are all hiding and filming but those guys walking up and looking at what they’re hiding from don’t seem too concerned about what they’re seeing ?

Good Rant on the Father of the Kill Shot!!

"He just happen to be one of the unfortunates" wow talking about his own son being killed....with no emotion. Bad actor for sure. Smh!

Bystander footage from people who are under gunfire is a sure sign of a staged event.

Crisis clown .

Same old shit different day .

It’s almost a dead giveaway when someone films like this with video cropped, there is something they don’t want you to see while focusing on the staged aspect of the event.

21.78 miles