
Sky net. Grapevine in food air water. Stick a magnet to chicken pork ... Magnetic food. Metal in breakfast cerial. ..Self replicating nanno robots. Building opp in your head. Black Goo .. Mind Controle Satellites.. Internet of things. Every Move you make. I be watching you. Look up at night and count the spy satellites over your head 10 to 30 lol.. Kind of sucks.. They want to reduce pop..5g can go thru traditional metal. Screen’s I hear. 60ghz oxygen absorption frequency. Follow 10 Commandments.Don’t eat unclean foods. Pork catfish.rn Etc Follow solar luner calender keep Yahuah ’s feasts Passover Tabernacle ...all 8 feasts. Come out of the Churches study Bible for yourself. Call on Yahuah to show you truth. Love and blessings. Hope to see you all on the other side!!

This is a very sad demonstration of how bad this researcher is. Auto hoax without proof and label everything a hoax guides those looking for truth into the wrong direction. For those not blind, this was as real as it gets. For you auto hoaxing let downers of the truth community all you will ever do is say it’s fake. If you can’t get the real ones right, you shouldn’t even be here on this site. All you who say this is fake, you all been played. If you can’t spot a real one, it’s time to retire. The so called investigator on this one needs to stop doing the truth community injustice. But I am talking to a wall anyway. Be responsible when you report!

This kind of explains why they don’t push so hard against the guns much these days. They use it as more of a wedge issue and a distraction while they build the prison around us.

I will actually give that a try. I have never messed with CBD and didn’t know that it could be used for such things as heavy metal poisoning.

Yeah, that’s a good idea. I will check those links out, thank you!

How well known is this lawyer ex-patriot anyhow? weren’t the protests for china and government control of the mining, not environmental issues as represented in the news captions?

Americans are armed.So they must use stealth weapons. Fair fight they louse!!

A Cave or Under ground bunker would be nice!!

Very Nice job. Love it!!

Not to forget all the nanno bots and smart dust we are all breathing!

These pilots are dummer than a box of rocks. Spraying their own selves and families with poison. Idiot’s.

Where did the original video come from?

Don’t forget the part where they said the sandy hook bathroom had a bookshelf.

All these countries keep threatening to drop the Petrodollar and have been doing so for decades , yet it never happens . I pray for the day the dollar collapses but I am starting to think these threats are just another part of the shitshow for the sheep .

Sorry, I wish I knew more. I went back and put all the information I could find in the description above. It popped up on their TikTok channel. Sorry. I will keep trying to find out when and where this event took place.

Yep, all the websites that come up on the first page of google when you look up any important event are always out there to deceive you and deliberately promote the official fake stories.

This law to prevent drunk driving is really just about the government wanting the ability to remote control anyone’s car. When it does get to that point then I plan on not even owning a car at all.

No doubt about it , the U.S. Government and the Zionist Jew Bankers aka The Illuminati who control it , are the most evil entities the world has ever known .

I wish those that thumbed down this video would explain why they disagree with it. If you have something that proves that this is wrong please express how you would counter this in writing.

Who is this, and when and where did this take place?