
One would and should think that it can’t get much worse, but people who frequent and favor this website, know that it is going to get allot worse before we see any kind of turnaround, if any.

Pure evil .

Anyone else feel like you’ve died and gone to Hell?

Exactly !

its a wonder they didn’t say, oh we have a malfunction, we seem to have lost the caller.

appreciate all your work, blessings, OMG.

I get it but who can continue to listen to this propaganda? this is designed for those that eat this excrement and then beg for 2nd and 3rd servings.

That meeting was many hours long. I thought that far too painful, so this is just the introduction. That was enough to get the point across.

i clicked the link, it works for me.


S T F U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now we understand ’the enemy within’ ?

Man !! How I`ve grown to HATE LOATH and DETEST this vile and detestable perversion. This and the malignant feminazi -latter day witchcraft - influence have all but destroyed our once pleasant decent society and nation. Not content with this ,these vermin are now warping kids minds with trans filth. And not a peep from that joke of an institution "the church" . Oh that God would grant us another Cromwell before His imminent return

For EFFS sake checkout GEOENGINEERING WATCH for all the latest on this nightmare ongoing and MASSIVELY ramped up weather warfare /manipulation programme . Here in Scotland ,the bastards are spraying us with chemical freeze weapons ,coating our trees /bushes with polymer "spiders webs". Are those within the "truther" community EVER going to wake up to these" Elephant in the room/ sky genocidal attacks?

lol. So true.

Good point.

I’ve been thinking for the last few years that Russia and China are not enemies but in on the game. They have pushed all the great reset nonsense in their countries like vaccines and vaccine passports. Its possible that all BRICS nonsense and emergence of a new currency is nothing more than putting the east on the great reset economic system with central bank digital currency and all that stuff only to bring the west onto that same system after they try to destroy it.

At least try to engage the points in the video and explain why they are wrong. Instead, you offered meaningless labels (“auto hoaxing”, “Be responsible”) as substitutes, as if they somehow amount to an argument. Your inability to engage specific points is proof you have no argument. Labels are not arguments. And, when you have legitimate proof of a dead body and true wounding let us know.

They have been spraying crap on us since the 1950’s !

Right, very weird how the camera man is not afraid, filming when the guy is keep on shooting people close to him. What I do not also understand, why the cars are queuing, where the opposite side of the road is empty, and there is also a small bridge between the lines they can use and avoid the demonstrators and continue their journey.