
How tired I get ,listening to those slagging off those who - rightly or wrongly - make an attempt to at least declare their own personal feelings regarding this treasonous sell out of our nation. If Mick is referring to an incredibly well written , -and lengthy -letter ,posted recently on the net. Then he needs to be encouraging and NOT disparaging those willing to put their necks - literally- on the line. Of course ! NOTHING ,is going to reverse what has been set in motion. The final world dictator ( Antichrist) is waiting in the wings ready to "welcome" us all into his cashless Mark of The Beast system . . So ,please Mick ,stop rubbishing those brave / dumb ? enough to put their head`s above the parapet. Thanks.

Keep up the good work, OMG. My daughter got jabbed and had a miscarriage in 2021. She and I don’t speak anymore - because I am a, ’conspiracy theorist’. My eldest grandson, who used to call me, Granny France (because that’s where I lived before), learned to fish with me and we brought up baby ducks. He no longer returns my calls.

I just had that very discussion this afternoon with a family friend. A friend asking why can’t the lefty woke crowd see that they are destroying the country? I suggested that they are being led by the nose like everyone else who buys the ridiculous story. The real culprits have a deliberate intention and purpose to destroy the U.S.A. to usher in their control group. Guess who will be in charge? The true American Patriots are not at all worried about maintaining any status quo. They’ll show up, but only at the time necessary, and it won’t be to defend the foolish.

I made that clear I thought, not opposed to what you present, I have a clearer idea than the newbies and is sickens me to hear this propaganda by the Jewish Mafia unopposed, you present good content.

My take on the the Target fiasco is that most of those involved are of an inner-city gang type to be polite, and the instantaneous descension upon Target all at once was pre-planned, and with all the modern eves dropping technology they must have known in advance with all the cellphone chatter back and forth and knew this was coming well in advance and did nothing to intervene and stop it, they allowed this to go forth in my opinion. If some patriotic group were trying to organize and start a milita they would have stopped them dead in their tracks. Different strokes for different folks.

I saw the Cello in your background! I play guitar myself, since the early 1970’s I prefer acoustic fingerpicking, three finger (thumb, index, middle). I have a "Paul McCartney" bass hanging on the wall and a bass amp, but after many years, have yet to give it a try. A Martin 6, Takamine 12, and my favorite, a Cordoba Classical nylon, are on stands in my office. Sadly, I have a BOSS RC-300 LOOP STATION just gathering dust. OH! I went to great lengths to acquire a 1976 Guild D-25 (with a bowed violin type back) it’s in a case somewhere.

It’s not working for me.

The Rap music fit perfectly

I liked the music, It adds effect! I’m a musician after all.

I agree with Jim’s assessment of the intention of the Target video, except my intentional injection of the cello music, meant to be reminiscent of Nero fiddling while Rome burned. It’s not that I Revell in the destruction of the United States, but those responsible deserve a musical sendoff. They deserve the outcome of their folly. Unfortunately, everyone else must suffer for their actions eventually. The music is for effect, that’s all. The Rap music points to a culture of wanting "The Good Life" (things) which it appears to promote, and surely must play a part in the looting mentality.

’’The King’’ aka ’Charlie Tampax’

The link works

I agree, but like we’ve both said before, let’s think about the new guy, those who are just waking up. Who wants to watch another video about Sandy Hook? They do. it’s news to them, therefore it has to be kept current, even if it’s just for their sake. Like Jim Fetzer related to me once via email. (Paraphrasing), Their waiting for the "old guys" (living memory) to die off, then they can really go to town with the propaganda. Pointing out the hypocrisy in their actions and words, is the best medicine against their disease. Therefore, we have no choice but to listen to their lying dribble. It makes good tactical sense to know what your enemy is doing. Listen to my next video, to get an idea of what I’m talking about here.

One would and should think that it can’t get much worse, but people who frequent and favor this website, know that it is going to get allot worse before we see any kind of turnaround, if any.

Pure evil .

Anyone else feel like you’ve died and gone to Hell?

Exactly !

its a wonder they didn’t say, oh we have a malfunction, we seem to have lost the caller.

appreciate all your work, blessings, OMG.